10 Quotes From ‘The Infinite Story’

10 quotes from 'The Infinite Story'

The Infinite Story  was written in 1979 by the German writer Michael Ende. It’s a great fantasy book that had unparalleled success and was later made into a movie (The Neverending Story) and animated.

The main character of ‘ The Infinite Story’ is Bastiaan. He is bullied at school until he unexpectedly finds refuge in an antique shop.

The antique dealer was reading a magical book, which Bastiaan steals and ends up in a fantasy world.

Through these fantasies, The Infinite Story  affirms that you have to learn and also believe in yourself to achieve your goals.

10 Quotes For Kids From ” The Infinite Story”

  1. Fantásia is the world of human fantasies. Every part, every being is a dream or wish of humanity. It therefore knows no boundaries.
  2. “I wonder,” he said to himself, “what’s in a book when it’s closed? I know it’s full of letters printed on the paper, but still, something has to happen, because when I open it, there’s a whole story with people I don’t know yet and all kinds of adventures, deeds and fights.”
  3. Every real story is an infinite story.
  4. Human passions are mysterious, both in children and adults. Those who have them can’t explain it, and those who don’t know them don’t get it at all.
  5. Sometimes we ask ourselves if what we can see in our mirror is the same as what we can see in another mirror.
  6. If you want to control human beings, there is no better tool than lies. Because, you know, people live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is all that matters.
  7. Sometimes we ask ourselves why the fantasy dies? Because hope dies in people, and sometimes they even forget their dreams.
  8. They shook hands unknowingly, and listened to each other unknowingly. Everything happened in silence, because they both knew how they felt for the other. It was nothing but having found a friend’s happiness.
  9. In his dreams he felt that he was the strongest, the best and the smartest. Those wishes were already fulfilled. All he wanted now was to love.
  10. It is important to follow the path of your desires. Even though it’s complicated, it doesn’t seem difficult. It is the most dangerous of all roads.

Facts and trivia

‘The Infinite Story’  is divided into two parts. In the first part, Bastiaan begins to read the book and is introduced to the adventures of the Green-skinned Atréjoe, the messenger sent by the Little Empressto save Fantásia .

In the second part of the book, Bastiaan is in  Fantásia and has supernatural powers. He decides to travel through the land he saved. Among other things, he tries to become Little Emperor. Ultimately, he must go from wish to wish to find his deepest desire.

'The Infinite Story' and the Little Empress

During his adventures he loses more and more of his memories of the real world, until he even forgets his own name: Bastiaan Balthazar Boeckx.

The first part of the book is considered the best part.

The writer Michael Ende wrote the story for children and young adults. The book can mean different things during different stages in life.

As children mature, they can read the book again and see all the passages with a different perspective.

‘The Infinite Story’  is a book that makes the reader feel many emotions. From time to time we all want to go back to our childhood. 

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