16 Quotes For Kids To Start The Day With Positivity

Positivity helps children to face their daily lives better, with a good attitude to life.
16 quotes for kids to start the day with positivity

The mood you start your day with can determine how you will feel throughout the day. That is why the right energy from the morning helps you to start your responsibilities and tasks with a good attitude. Do you want your children to start the day on a positive note? Below we give you some quotes that can also help children with positivity.

You should know that encouraging and developing optimism and positive thoughts from the first years of life can help children to be happier and thus enjoy life at all times.

The importance of a positive start to the day

Most parents want the best for their children, such as:

positive girl
  • Self confidence.
  • Commitment to their responsibilities.
  • The ability to build healthy social relationships.
  • Academic success.
  • The ability to handle difficult and complicated situations.
  • Emotional stability.
  • For them to laugh and be happy.

In other words, parents want their children to be happy. To achieve this, it is very important to convey positive messages to children from an early age.

Positivity is the ability to produce and train yourself. Thus, one can say that each person is a product of his own thoughts, actions and behavior.

Positive thinking, both in the short and long term, ensures well-being, balance and satisfaction. That is why it is important that children are positive. A good time to practice and work on this is at the beginning of the day, when children wake up and are ready for a new day.

Below we have put together some famous quotes for kids to start the day with positivity. This is a series of short and simple thoughts that, if understood since childhood, can be especially helpful for enjoying life to the fullest.

Start the day with positivity

16 quotes for kids to start the day with positivity

  1. “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” – Carl Jung-
  2. “You are the architect of your own life. You are in charge of your own destiny. – Brian Tracy-
  3. “There would be nothing to scare you if you refused to be afraid.” -Mahatma Gandhi-
  4. “Good things happen every day. We just have to realize them. – Anne Wilson Schaef-
  5. “Never be ashamed of trying and failing, for he who never failed is he who never tried.” – Og Mandino-
  6. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” -Eleanor Roosevelt-
  7. “Learn how to be happy with what you have while pursuing everything you want.” – Jim Rohn-
  8. “Happiness is not something that comes out of the box. It comes from your own actions. – Dalai Lama –
  9. “Life is like a mirror: when I smile, the mirror smiles back.” -Mahatma Gandhi-
  10. “It’s about giving what we receive.” – Francis of Assisi-
  11. “We cannot heal the world of suffering, but we can choose to live in joy.” – Joseph Campbell
  12. “They say that a person only needs three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” – Tom Bodett-
  13. “Friendship doubles the joy and divides the fear in half.” —Sir Francis Bacon–
  14. “To get the full value of joy, you have to have someone to share it with.” -Mark Twain-
  15. “Always keep your face towards the sun – and shadows will fall behind you.” -Walt Whitman-
  16. “If you really want something, you give up a million times, but your heart always takes you back to the starting line.” -S hannon L. Alder-

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