19 Tips From Maria Montessori To Raise Your Children

These tips from Maria Montessori ensure that the growth of children in a family is as pleasant as possible. From justice to self-esteem, in this article we will talk about the main recommendations.
19 tips from Maria Montessori to raise your children

“The child, with its enormous physical and intellectual potential, is a miracle before us.” This quote is the thought of the famous Italian pedagogue Maria Montessori, who renewed the pedagogical methods of the early twentieth century. Here we show you some tips from Maria Montessori, whose theory seems like a spiritual concept because they have the quality of being simple and profound at the same time: teach by being the example. 

The Montessori philosophy suggests that the role of the adult is to guide the child and make them live in a good and comfortable environment. Therefore, through their role, they must be observers of both children and the environment in which they develop.

In addition, this method invites you to immerse yourself in a continuous process of learning and personal development.

The true educator is at the service of the child and must cultivate in them humility, responsibility and love,” says the humanist, who based her ideas on respect for infants and their impressive learning ability.

Children clapping in a kindergarten class.

Raising with respect

To put into practice the advice of the educator, who was also nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize, we must transform ourselves. Because only in this way can we prepare children for life. This is a process where you spend time with them, interact with children, enjoy teaching them and give them freedom.

Montessori advises: “Let your children make mistakes and don’t fix things for them that they can do themselves; if you do, you stunt their growth. Every time they are faced with a new activity, let them try it alone. If you find they still don’t have enough tools for it, show them how to do it and have them try again. Any unnecessary aid is an obstacle to development ”.

Think for a moment: to be happy, we must develop, invent, create, dream and live. Take advantage of the fact that we live in a great time, with the world at your fingertips. And you also have access to a youth method of moral and mental freedom. So with this in mind, check out the following tips from Maria Montessori.


Essential Tips from Maria Montessori

  • Children learn from their environment.
  • If you criticize a child a lot, they will learn to judge.
  • If you praise your child regularly, it will appreciate learning.
  • If you show them hostility, they will learn to fight.
  • If you are honest, they will learn to be honest.
  • Children become shy if they are regularly laughed at.(English link)
  • When you grow up feeling safe, you learn to trust others.
  • When children are often belittled, they develop an unhealthy sense of guilt.
  • By regularly accepting your child’s ideas, you teach them to feel good about themselves.
  • If you have patience with them, they will learn to be patient.
  • If you encourage children in what they do, they gain confidence.
  • When children live in a friendly atmosphere and feel needed, they learn to find love in the world.
  • Do not speak ill of your children, whether they are around or not.
  • Focus on developing the good in the child so that there is simply no room for the bad.
  • Always listen to your child and respond if they approach you with a question or comment.
  • Respect your child, even if they made a mistake. Sooner or later they will get it right.
  • Be willing to help if your child is looking for something, but also be willing to go unnoticed if they have already found what they were looking for.
  • Help children to assimilate what they could not assimilate before. Do that by filling the world around them with care, discretion, timely silence and love.
  • When addressing your child, always do so in the best way. Give the best you have in you!

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