31 Things Only Mothers Think About

31 things only moms think about

In this article, we will share with you 31 things that only moms think about. If we don’t have enough information, we start to worry and can sometimes ask ourselves the most unusual questions.

Sometimes we even call the pediatrician to ask him everything that is going through our minds. Being a mother seems to be synonymous with constantly worrying about our children.

From the moment we discover that we are pregnant, a number of things that only we can think of start to go around in our minds.

The good news is that this never stops!

Being a mother has no expiration date – we will always worry and think about our children.

Mother is the best doctor
In our nights with fever
Mother is the best goldsmith
She fixes all our mistakes.
Mothers are born sculptors, molding with her hands
Handy and healthy children for a better future.
– Eliseo Leon Pretell –

In this article, we’ve put together a list of 31 common things that only moms think about from the time they get pregnant until our kids get older.

During the pregnancy

Making an ultrasound on a pregnant woman
  • I will not tell my girlfriend about my pregnancy until I reach the third month. No one with negative energy should be around my pregnancy because that will only cause problems.
  • Is my child developing well? The midwife will assess the first ultrasound for up to 4 hours. The doctor must examine the fetus from head to toe. You better be patient.
  • I hope my child doesn’t look like….(name of partner’s relative). God help me.
  • What if the child does not cry at birth. What should I do?

During birth

  • Did the doctor check everything properly? Did they count all the fingers and toes? Is my baby complete?
  • is everything okay? Have you talked to the doctor? Are you hiding something from me?
  • Is my baby breathing well? Can I take him home now?
  • Can I really leave this place with my baby without anyone asking me? What if I’m kidnapping it?

When we take the baby home

Smiling mother and her baby
  • Can I take good care of my baby?
  • This is a big responsibility and it is very tiring. I thought it would be more fun.
  • Is my breast milk good enough to feed the baby well?
  • Why do they seem to stop breathing when they sleep? I’d better keep an eye out.
  • Are they completely complete inside? Is there something deformed inside that no one has yet discovered? I’d better call the pediatrician.
  • Will the baby be adequately hydrated by breastfeeding alone? I better give the baby some water. No, I probably shouldn’t do that.
  • Two days without bowel movements. Did I make the bottle right or did I do something wrong?
  • Why is the baby crying so much? Am I interpreting the howling correctly?
  • I am exhausted and depressed. Does that make me a bad mother?
  • I haven’t been able to put on any other clothes yet. That seems unfair, because I’ve already changed the baby’s clothes 5 times.
  • This is not how I imagined it. I want to cry.
  • Why hasn’t the baby’s first tooth come through yet? Is there something wrong?
  • Why isn’t the baby unaided yet? What is going on?

When you start work or you leave them at the shelter

  • I have hours off! Why am I so happy?
  • I feel guilty for leaving my baby in someone else’s care.  But I can take care of the baby during the day and work at night… that’s not bad!
  • I feel like I’m avoiding my responsibilities, but I have to work. I have mixed feelings! Meh! I feel like a bad mother.
  • Is the baby eating well? Is he not feeling well?
  • What if they hit or hurt you? If I find out something like that happens, they’ll see my bad side.
  • What should I do if the child is still using diapers up to 3 years old?
  • Is the pediatrician’s practice safe? Will my child be infected there by other children who are sick? They should divide the practice in two: one room for healthy children and the other for sick children.
  • The grandparents give my child too much to eat. I hope he doesn’t get overweight.
  • When the grandparents take care of the baby, he returns home ‘spoiled’. When they raised me, my parents were stricter. The baby does what he wants with them but I better keep my mouth shut because I don’t want to make the situation more stressful.

And the list that only moms think about continues….

When the child is older, we get a new set of ‘worries and thoughts’ that only mothers think about. Because if the child is not with us, we worry:

  • “What if they are kidnapped?”
  • “Why didn’t he call me?”
  • “Has there been an accident?”

Therefore, we can conclude that a mother’s love and cares never end. 

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