5 Stories For Children By Jorge Bucay

There are countless positive benefits that come from encouraging our children to read. For example, there are specific stories that invite reflection and stimulate critical thinking. Today we tell you about five stories for children by Jorge Bucay that fall into this category.
5 stories for children by Jorge Bucay

If you want to arouse a child’s curiosity, there is no better way than to tell him a story. In this article we will mention a few stories for children from the Argentine writer Jorge Bucay.

Jorge Bucay is a writer and therapist. He was born in 1949 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Jorge Bucay graduated in 1973 as a doctor from the University of Buenos Aires.

After several academic achievements and recognition in his field, he began to participate in TV programs on the subject of psychology. He even became a presenter.

As for his literary activities, Bucay tries to provide therapeutic tools through his books that help readers help and heal themselves.

That is also the main purpose of Jorge Bucay’s children’s stories. While many are not classified as such, they are “Stories to Ponder.” Incidentally, this is also the title of one of his collections containing these stories.

His stories are aimed at young readers to inspire them to ask questions and find the answers for themselves.

5 stories for children by Jorge Bucay

The Chained Elephant

The first Jorge Bucay story that we want to share with you is about a child who goes to the circus for the first time. Everyone was impressed by the elephant: it was so big and so strong. It was therefore the animal that caught the child’s attention.

However, the child could not understand that after the show was over, the elephant was kept attached to a small stake in the ground with a large chain.

To read aloud

He asked,  “Why doesn’t the elephant escape?”  The child grew up without finding an answer to his question until someone helped him.

Eventually, he found that the answer lay in putting limits on yourself—that was true for both elephants and humans. They can be chained all their lives without even asking questions about it.

Sadness and anger

This story may be a little too abstract for some young children to understand its message. The nature of these two feelings is described in a very subtle way.

It is one of Jorge Bucay’s shortest stories for children. It will help your child better understand his feelings. It will also teach him how to recognize and deal with his own emotions.


This is another story from Bucay that also has to do with putting limitations on yourself and the feeling that comes with it. It tells the story of a man who quietly walks on a path. Suddenly he sees a great city on the horizon. A city in which he thinks he can find all his desires and goals.

He decides to visit this city. Initially, the road to it seems simple. While walking, however, several difficult obstacles appear along the way. The main character has to fight a real battle to reach the city.

When he sees a child smiling at him, the man asks “What are you laughing at?” . The child’s answer comes only at the end of the story. And his answer makes it clear that boundaries and barriers are often imposed by ourselves.

Stories for children


This story tells of a lucky man who finds a chest full of coins on his terrace. Although he says he is not greedy, he begins to imagine what he can do with so much money. Later in the story, his neighbor claims the coffin is his, because his grandfather was the one who buried it.

The conclusion of this story, while perhaps somewhat blunt, makes us reflect on man’s true intentions. We are often contradictory. The story also invites you to think about the dangers of being too ambitious.

Encourage yourself to fly

This story tells of a father who teaches his son to ‘fly’. The father challenges his son to try his wings by jumping into a huge abyss.

The son is influenced by the negative opinions of the people around him. He begins to doubt the task his father has assigned him. Instead of jumping into the abyss, he decides to jump off the branch of a tree. In doing so, he falls to the ground.

After he falls, he asks his father for explanations and explanations. It is then that he discovers the true reason why his father suggested the plunge into the abyss. This story can help children learn how to face setbacks and risks, even when they are afraid.

The importance of reading for children

We discussed some of Jorge Bucay’s children’s stories here. There are many other authors who also write stories that invite children to think for the purpose of promoting critical thinking.

Listening to or reading stories can also help children develop their vocabulary. It also improves their spelling skills and their ability to express themselves.

As parents, we should keep in mind that  reading stories for kids is never a waste of time. On the contrary, it creates an atmosphere that encourages dialogue.

It also encourages the emergence of great thoughts that stay with them during their childhood and for the rest of their lives.

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