5 Tips For When Your Baby Refuses To Sleep

5 tips for when your baby refuses to sleep

We’ve put together some expert advice here for parents to try if their baby refuses to sleep.

Some babies sleep without any problems. Even without being put to bed, they will doze off all by themselves. Unfortunately, things don’t always go smoothly. Some babies have trouble getting the sleep they so desperately need. 

Caring for a baby who refuses to sleep can be frustrating and exhausting. There can be several reasons why a baby refuses to sleep.

However, one thing is certain: it’s not that your baby doesn’t want to sleep. If your baby refuses to sleep, it is because he cannot sleep. In most cases, your baby is just as exhausted as you are.

Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest concerns for newborn parents. It’s hard enough for parents to get enough rest. After all, we already have so many things to worry about. In addition, the baby wakes up again and again during the night.

Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that you should not expect too much from your baby. It cannot adapt to your sleeping pattern overnight. 

Tips for when your baby refuses to sleep

The author of the book ‘Gentle Sleep Solutions’, Andrea Grace, claims that it is possible to teach babies to sleep. 

Grace offers some advice that can help you when your baby refuses to sleep. We’ll take a closer look at these below.

Understand that your baby’s sleep is different from yours

If your baby refuses to sleep

As your baby grows up, he will begin to adapt to our routines. On the first days, his way of sleeping and falling asleep is very different from adults.

To illustrate, adults generally avoid long naps during the day. Because otherwise they have trouble sleeping at night. This is completely different for babies.

Daytime naps can be very beneficial for both babies and children. Andrea Grace says that depending on your child’s age, you should make sure he sleeps several hours a day. This may even help him sleep better at night.

However, before choosing a particular routine, it is a good idea to observe your baby. Every child is different, and their habits change as they get older.

Longer naps during the day can help some kids sleep better at night. But these things may be different for your baby.

One possible solution is to let your child take a nap in the morning or early afternoon.  When it is bedtime, your child should be tired, but not exhausted.

And of course your baby will refuse to sleep at night if he just wakes up from a nap.

Let your baby sleep in his crib

Not all parents will agree with this statement. But we are not talking about sleeping in another room here, but just in his own bed.

It may seem heartless, but it won’t harm your child to sleep in his crib. That’s why you bought it anyway, isn’t it? Avoid letting your child fall asleep in your arms. 

If you want to avoid that your child suddenly wakes up during the night, it is better to avoid this shock. If your baby falls asleep next to you, don’t move him while he sleeps. Otherwise, he will wake up confused and unsure. 

It is normal to wake up a few times during the night, but not to wake up stressed.

Grace also explains that singing or reading a story can sometimes distract children from going to sleep. Observe your child and see if he is more active if we treat him in this way.

Songs and stories can work for some children, while for others it can keep them from sleeping.

If your child cries, go there

Go to him if your baby refuses to sleep

Although it is less common today, some parents still believe that children can cry themselves to sleep. Grace claims that this is both unnecessary and painful and difficult for parents to sustain.

If your baby is crying, something is wrong, so don’t leave him alone. A little sobbing or crying isn’t that bad, but if your baby is crying inconsolably, go for it. Feeling your presence will comfort your baby.

We don’t want our child to suffer. On the other hand, we want to avoid nighttime tantrums becoming a habit. So go to your baby, but let him try to calm himself unless he is really screaming anxiously.

Judge whether sleeping together works for each of you

Whether or not you let your baby sleep in your bed is a personal decision. However , it is better to check whether your decision helps your child sleep.  

Perhaps your own sleeping pattern influences your baby if he sleeps in your bed with you. For example, if you or your partner have to get up early, it may be difficult for your baby to continue sleeping without you.

The specialist also advises against letting your child fall asleep in your bed if he wakes up during the night. If you react this way, it may encourage him to do it again. When it comes to children, it is important to be consistent.

If your baby refuses to sleep, the most important thing is to be patient. Be loving, but be firm in applying your strategy. The best advice is to make changes, see what works and what doesn’t. Ask specialists and other parents.

There is no reason to give up. With a little effort, your baby will be able to sleep better – and so will you. 

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