6 Basic Exercises For The Pelvic Floor Muscles In Pregnant Women

6 basic exercises for the pelvic floor muscles in pregnant women

Basic exercises for the pelvic floor muscles maintain muscle tone in the pelvis and promote recovery after pregnancy and childbirth.

By doing these exercises, you will feel connected to what is happening in your body. In addition, it will promote your strength and resilience to prevent problems in the pelvic area.

It is also recommended to perform these exercises during pregnancy and after childbirth. This will help you avoid urinary incontinence during those moments.

6 basic exercises for the pelvic floor muscles in pregnant women

Below you will find 6 basic exercises for the pelvic floor muscles. 

If you are interested in doing these exercises, it is important to discuss this with your doctor. If you do, he can give you all the warnings, guidelines and recommendations that apply to you.

1. Butterfly

This simple exercise opens the pelvis and keeps the lower back flexible. You can perform this exercise during all stages of pregnancy.

Sit on the floor and place the soles of your feet together.

Then push your legs up and down until you feel a stretch. Ask your partner to help you by applying some pressure so you can stretch your muscles better.

2. Bridge

To perform this next exercise, you must lie with your back on the floor. Bend your knees and place your feet flat and apart on the floor, at hip level.

Then, inhale and  contract your pelvic floor muscles. Then lift your hips in the air. Hold this for 10 seconds.

Finally, lower your hips and release the pelvic floor muscles. Ideally, you should repeat this 10 times. 

Exercises on the ball during pregnancy

3. Tilting the Pelvic Floor Muscles

This third exercise is very light and easy and can often be done even when your doctor tells you to rest. Ask your doctor about this.

You can actually do this exercise from the first day of pregnancy until the moment of delivery.

The exercise consists of lying on your back with your legs bent and your feet on the floor. Place your hands next to your hips and serve as a strong support point.

Try to place your hand under your back. Since there is a part that does not touch the floor, your hand will easily slide under your back.

To do this exercise, push this section against the floor at 10-second intervals. You can repeat this up to 8 times, all the while maintaining your normal breathing. 

If you want to try turning the baby after 30 weeks, you can  do this exercise when you feel the baby move. 

Your child is probably trying to get into a better position for delivery. You can also support this process by tilting your pelvic floor muscles.

It is recommended that you do this exercise three times a day for a total of 20 minutes a day as you enter the third trimester.

4. Lean Forward

So to counteract all the times a day that we lean backwards, it is important to lean forward. It doesn’t matter whether this is leaning against the counter, the table or against people, everything works.

In these cases, a sitting ball can be a good aid for pregnant moms who want to do this exercise. The sitting ball is extremely helpful not only before, but also during childbirth.

Place your arms and torso on the sit ball and spin around with your pelvis in the air.

In this way you prepare your lower body for a natural birth.

5. Reverse Forward Tilts

This exercise will help you loosen the lower ligaments of the uterus.

Due to poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle, the uterus deforms and becomes tense. This offers less space for the baby to get into an optimal position.

To practice, kneel on the edge of a couch or bed and gently lower your hands and forearms toward the floor. You can use a crutch or ask your partner for help if necessary.

Then let the  head hang loosely and keep the chin tucked in. 

Lay your back flat and hold this position for 30 seconds before raising your hands back up. Finally, return to a kneeling position with the help of a stool or someone nearby.

You can do this one to three times a day.

Remember not to do this exercise if you have abdominal or uterine cramps. In addition, this exercise is also not recommended if you have high blood pressure or if you feel the baby move excessively.

Exercises for the pelvic floor muscles

6. The elevator

This last of the 6 basic exercises for the pelvic floor muscles makes the muscles stronger. In this exercise we use the lower back and the arms. This increases muscle tension and strengthens the pelvis.

For this exercise, lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Then, inhale and lift your hips as you contract the pelvic floor muscles.

Finally, keep breathing, keeping your hips up for 10 seconds. Next, lower your hips while relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. You need to repeat this 10 times to complete the exercise.

These 6 basic pelvic floor exercises that we showed you offer numerous benefits for moms. Try them out and you will contribute to your well-being during pregnancy.

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