6 Ways To Show Your Child Loves Him

6 Ways to Show Your Child Loves Him

Parents are so busy these days that they forget to tell their children how much he loves them. As obvious as it may seem, the words “I love you” are very important. Of course they know, but they like to be reminded of it. In fact, they need it.

The good news is that it doesn’t take much time. You don’t even have to spend a lot of time with your kids to let them know how much you love them.

There are many ways and times when you can tell your children that you love them.  Let’s take a look at a few.

Notes and messages that show you love them

You can do this at any age. Leave  notes in their books, on their desk, in their school bag. Put it between their toys. Write a short message or make a nice drawing. You could also put something in their lunchbox to remind your child how much you love him.

With older children, you can also use technology.  Send them an email or text message from time to time. Use emojis to reinforce your words.

Always greet them with a hug and a kiss

The morning and bedtime are two important times of the day. These times are an excellent opportunity that you can use to give your child a big hug and a kiss.  Forget everything else and give them a good dose of love.

Mother loves her child

Take the time to eat together at least once a day

Research shows that eating together has several benefits for children.  One of them is a reduced risk of drug use, better grades and more self-confidence.

Lunch or dinner is a great opportunity to catch up and talk about things that keep your child busy.  For this to happen, it is important to sit together at the table, without television.

Pay attention to your child when you are together

Recent research has shown that children realize that their parents are easily distracted when they are together. Often parents pay more attention to their phone or something like that. Not only does this set a bad example, it also shows little respect for the child.

When your child wants to talk about something, put your phone away. Don’t let anything distract you and give him attention.  And if for some reason you don’t have time at the time, make sure they understand why. Don’t shortchange your kids and don’t leave them without good reason. Time is the most precious thing you can give your child.

Plan activities with your child

Time is the greatest gift you can give to your child as a parent. If this time is really time together.  When you and your child are at home at the same time, but you’re both doing different things, it’s very different from quality time spent together.

Plan activities for the weekend or participate in outdoor activities.  Think of crafts, sports, dance lessons or other hobbies. This shows your child that you enjoy being together. It creates a sense of closeness. And creates the opportunity to say “I love you”. This makes it clear to them that time together is precious to you.

Besides the words “I love you”, you can also tell them that you hope they had a nice day. Send them motivational sayings, tell them you’re thinking of them or that you miss them. Don’t go overboard, especially when your child is a bit older. This is just an example of how you can tell them you love them.

Father and child together

Thank them for everything they do

Saying “You’re welcome” and “thank you” is one of the best ways to raise children to be grateful for others.  That way you can show them how much you appreciate them. Gratitude is an important value that brings out the best in us.

Whether you asked them to do something or not, you can always thank them for this. But there is more you can do. Thank them out of the blue from time to time  – for being there. That they are who they are. Thank them for brightening up your mornings and for making you laugh with their smiles. Every word helps. And they will love it.

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