8 Tips To Overcome The Consequences Of Bullying

Bullying often leaves victims in intense emotional distress. Today we give you some advice to help children overcome the effects of bullying, although it never replaces the help of a mental health professional.
8 tips to overcome the consequences of bullying

Unfortunately, many children and teenagers are bullied at school, both physically and psychologically. This bullying causes significant emotional distress to the victims that needs to be addressed. In this upcoming article, we’re going to take a look at some advice for overcoming the effects of bullying.

It is important that these situations are reported. Once the situation has been resolved, it is essential that professional help is sought to deal with the psychological consequences of the harassment.

Today we want to share some tips on how to tackle this. However, keep in mind that the advice below should never replace the help of a professional.

Consequences of bullying: definition and analysis of the phenomenon

When we talk about bullying, we mean the physical or psychological harassment or abuse of a victim by one or more aggressors. Unfortunately, it is increasingly common in children and adolescents. In addition, it is traumatic for the person in question.

tips to overcome the effects of bullying

The victim suffers not only during the bullying, but also afterwards because of the psychological consequences that the bullying usually leaves behind. These can express themselves through anxiety, nightmares, insecurity, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, somatization, etc.

The most important thing to end bullying is, in addition to treating the victim for the harm done, to treat the aggressors so they don’t do it again. Bullies themselves are often insecure people who want to feel superior by humiliating those they consider inferior.

Tips to overcome the effects of bullying

It would help if you could work together with both parties (victim and aggressor). However, we now focus on the victim and provide some keys to overcoming the effects of bullying.

Ask for psychological help

The first thing to do is to seek professional help if the child or adolescent needs it. Sometimes these situations are very traumatic and require the help of a healthcare professional to overcome the fears, anxiety and, in general, the emotional aftermath of this bullying.

It can be very difficult to solve the problem on your own without help, as you do not have the necessary tools to do this. We can enlist the help of the professional we need in our case, be it medical, psychiatric, psychological, etc.

Be clear it’s not the victim’s fault

Children and adolescents who are victims of bullying often feel guilty, but of course this is not true. The blame for suffering bullying never lies with the victim, even if they think it is.

For this reason, we must help our children see that the blame always lies with the person who attacks them and that this guilt only hurts them.

Accepting what happened

To overcome the consequences of bullying, it is important to accept the situation and what happened. This does not mean that we should forget what happened, but it does mean that we have to accept that it happened and that the situation is in the past and does not have to happen again.

A mental health professional can help with this process by providing the right strategies for coping with emotions and evolving the pain.

Leave the negative thoughts left behind by the effects of bullying

After this bullying situation, the victims may repeatedly present negative thoughts (of insecurity, self-destruction, fears, etc.). If these thoughts put children and adolescents out of action and cause significant distress, it is important to work with a professional. He or she is the one who can provide means to block these kinds of thoughts.

Express what you feel

It is very important that all the emotions they feel, both positive and negative, are expressed. This is one way of understanding what a child has been through and how it has affected him or her. As they analyze their feelings and emotions, they will be increasingly equipped to move on and feel better.

Steer clear of bitterness

It often happens that when someone harms us, we experience feelings of revenge and anger towards that person. But these feelings only amplify the suffering experienced. Therefore, it is important to distance yourself from the anger and accept the situation. This allows the child or adolescent to make progress in their recovery process.


It must be made clear to victims that they are important, special and worthy people and that they deserve all the good that life has to offer. They also need to know that even though they have been through such a traumatic experience, they must rely on themselves and that with effort and self-confidence they can achieve anything they want to do.

How can you help victims of bullying

Transforming the Pain

Pain is an emotion that causes suffering, but it also has its positive side. It can make us fight and strive to change the things that cause that damage.

For example, we can turn this pain into art (painting, poetry, sculpture, etc.). The important thing is to focus on something that makes you feel good, not the pain.

About the consequences of bullying

The advice we have given on how to overcome the effects of bullying can be of great help in coping with the traumatic situation a child or adolescent has experienced. However, it can never replace the guidance that a professional can provide.

It is important to observe our child and be alert to the signals that his or her behavior may give us, and thus to decide which path to choose. It is especially vital that we give them our support, love, affection and companionship. This will help them in their recovery.

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