Pregnancy Pillow: Types And Benefits

If you are expecting a baby, read this article on the different types and benefits of pregnancy pillows. This way you will find out what is the best option for you.
Pregnancy pillow: types and benefits

A pregnancy pillow? Yes, it exists. It even becomes your best partner until your baby is born. Moreover, you keep using these pillows a little longer, because they are also very useful during breastfeeding. Once your belly starts to grow, there comes a time when you can’t find a comfortable position. The extra weight, muscle aches and movements of your baby can make it very difficult for you to fall asleep.

That’s when you should start using these handy and simple accessories. If you have trouble falling asleep or feel pain, read on about pregnancy pillows. In fact, they are specially designed to make you feel comfortable.

“Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything is reduced to the essentials”
-Meryl Streep-

What the pregnancy pillow can do for you

Pregnant woman reading.

You may find it surprising, but a pregnancy pillow can help more than you think. It actually gives you support for your abdomen, back and legs during your pregnancy stages. Plus, you can use it later when it’s time to breastfeed your baby.

In fact, these pillows are also very useful for breastfeeding your baby, but also for feeding him the bottle. This is because you can put your baby on the pillow and find a comfortable position for yourself so that you don’t hurt your back. Plus, when babies start to grow, you can still use them. Because when the time comes, they help your baby stay put. Therefore, you will see what a useful investment you made when you bought it.

Benefits of Pregnancy Pillows

During your third trimester, a pregnancy pillow will help you be more comfortable. Many women even use it during labour, when their first contractions come. That’s why we discuss some of the benefits of the pregnancy pillow:

  • They adapt perfectly to the shape of your body.
  • They provide the perfect adjustment for your back, stomach, hips and legs.
  • Maternity pillows are perfect for alleviating all types of pregnancy discomforts such as pelvic pain, leg cramps, etc.
  • They help prevent heartburn and back pain.
  • They prevent you from moving too much when you sleep, which promotes a good night’s sleep.
  • You can easily wash them in the washing machine.
  • After the baby is born, you can use it to breastfeed your little one.

Pregnancy pillow: different types

As we mentioned before, they are perfect for helping you sleep well, rest while you read a book and feed your baby. In addition, they are very helpful in reducing leg cramps. Their design allows you to adapt to the different positions doctors recommend, such as on your side or with your legs up, which helps relieve muscle soreness.

In different stores you can find many options in different shapes, materials, sizes and prices. We’ll talk about some of the most common types below.

wedge shaped pillow

These pillows are shaped like a triangle or letter C and are usually made of foam. Plus, they conform to your belly as it grows and help relieve pain in specific areas. One of their main advantages is that they are small, easy to store and you can still use them after the baby is born.

U-shaped pillow

This type of pregnancy pillow is bigger than the others. This is because it should support your entire body, from head to toe. In addition, they help you to sleep on your side, which is good for your blood circulation and oxygen supply. They also restrict your movements, and some can be shaped like a body.

Woman with pregnancy pillow.

C Shape Pregnancy Pillow

Also known as full-body pillows, these pillows are the favorite pillows of pregnant women. This is because women can sleep on their side while resting their head, back and stomach on them. However, these pillows are quite large, which can be a bit uncomfortable for you and your partner.

Long pregnancy pillow

These pillows look a lot like C-shaped pillows, but are a bit straighter. You can rest your whole body on them and because they are long, you can adapt them to any situation. In fact, their flexibility is what makes them so comfortable for pregnant women.

On the other hand, remember that you can use any kind of pillow or pillow you find at home for a good rest. You just need something to support your stomach, loins and legs. This will help you feel more relaxed.

Think about all these options and find the one that suits you best. So don’t hesitate to use a pregnancy pillow. This will be one of the best things to help you relax during your pregnancy phases.

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