Creating A Bedtime Routine For Your Baby

Creating a bedtime routine for your baby

Use these tips to create a bedtime routine for your baby that is effective, easy and enjoyable.

Just like adults, babies largely live according to routines. And this is especially true when it comes to sleeping.

The first months with a baby can be complicated for parents. It is sometimes difficult to decide when to rest.

An excellent solution to this dilemma is to actively help shape your baby’s sleep cycle by creating a bedtime routine.

How are you doing this?

During the first 4 to 5 months, babies sleep 16 to 20 hours a day. They do not sleep continuously but occasionally wake up to eat. It is also necessary that they regularly feel the contact with the mother.

As the months go by, the baby will sleep fewer and fewer hours a day. Around the ninth month, a baby will still sleep about 14 hours a day.

It is important that their sleep cycle is aligned with that of the family. Therefore, you need to provide routines that the child can adapt to.

Predictability and repetition can  provide the stability babies need for healthy development.

The benefits of a bedtime routine

One of the main reasons for creating a bedtime routine is so that the baby’s sleep cycle can match that of the rest of the family.

This mainly means sleeping at night. Of course, there is time during the day for an occasional nap. After all, they are very important for a baby.

Stability will make the baby feel safer and more loved.

Routines help babies know that everything is going as it should. After all, they have no idea of ​​the concepts of time and space. A routine ensures that babies know that their mother is there to protect them.

Stability also makes it easier to schedule other activities. For example, if a baby knows it’s time to go to sleep after dinner, it won’t be too hard to get into the habit of brushing before bed later.

How do you create a bedtime routine?

This is not an easy task, but with some persistence and patience, you will certainly succeed. The perfect time to start creating routines is between weeks 6 and 8.

The routines created during this period will reassure the baby by being able to predict more aspects.

Factors to Consider When Creating a Bedtime Routine

  • Make sure your baby uses up his or her energy by playing, crawling around or dancing. This will make it easier for the child to fall asleep.
  • Gradually transition from active activities to calmer ones.
  • A bath is an excellent way to create a bedtime routine. The warmth of a bath is very relaxing. Moreover, it is very pleasant to go to bed with a clean feeling.
  • Try to create positive associations. Going to sleep should be a pleasant experience and certainly not a reason to cry, kick or scream.
  • Talk to your child before going to sleep. Read a story or whisper softly. There’s nothing like the presence of a parent right before bedtime.

An example of a bedtime routine

  • Play with the baby and make sure to use as much energy as possible.
  • Give your baby a warm bath. Some kids get a little upset about this. In that case, it is better to bathe the child in the late afternoon.
  • Feed the baby.
  • Take the baby to his or her room. The room should be as quiet and darkened as possible so that there is a minimum of stimuli that can distract the child.
  • Whisper to your baby. You can tell a story or sing a lullaby.
  • Rock the baby to sleep. If that doesn’t work, you can also put the child in a crib.
A bedtime routine: sleeping boy

This is an excellent way to start creating a sleep routine for your baby. Keep in mind that this probably won’t be a ready-made solution.

It probably won’t work very well the first time, but over time you will see that it is effective.

There are other factors to consider, such as your baby’s sleeping position and the environment (light, temperature, bed comfort, etc.).

You can also use other routines if you find that they help your baby fall asleep.

Remember that it is important for children to learn healthy lifestyle habits.

When it comes to teaching healthy lifestyle habits, a child cannot start early enough. Also know that everything can be achieved through patience and perseverance. 

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