5 Books Your Child Should Read Before Age 6

5 books your child should read before the age of 6

Reading with your children from an early age can help them understand the importance of this habit. They will realize that reading is not something to be done out of obligation, but rather is an enjoyable activity. An activity that allows them to discover new worlds where imagination and written words are the protagonists. That is why your child should read.

Reading transforms the mind for the better. Here at You are Mom we will share 5 must-read books for you and your child.

The importance of reading for children

If you want your kids to be readers, you need to lead by example. If they see that you read because you enjoy it, because it entertains you, gives you new information and because you know that reading is useful for every aspect of your life, your children will also see reading as something positive.

In addition, improving a child’s reading skills will help them as they move towards a successful future.

It’s never too early to start reading to your kids, no matter how small they are. As they grow, you will see all the fruits of the seeds you have planted.

You can read them aloud as this also brings many benefits that can help them develop.

Mother reads to children

Why your child should read?

Don’t miss the following benefits that come when you read to your child or when they begin to discover the importance of reading.

The following list is short – remember, however, that the benefits of reading are infinite.

However, the books your child should read should be books that interest him or her, contribute to their being and make them feel good. Some of the benefits they will enjoy are:

  • Sitting with a book in hand offers children time to relax and calm down.
  • Stories stimulate their imagination.
  • Reading gives parents the opportunity to connect with their children.
  • Reading promotes critical thinking and curiosity.
  • It increases inspiration, thinking and reflection.
  • Books with illustrations reinforce their appreciation for art.
  • Reading increases their vocabulary.
  • It improves language development and increases knowledge.

Books your child should read before age 6

If you want your child to read, but you don’t know what to offer, the first thing you need to know is the kind of books that interest them.

Once you know this, you can help them choose book titles that might be of interest to them.

When they start reading, they will realize that they like what they do. The following books will certainly interest them.

Read a book in bed

Guess how much I love you

This book is for boys and girls between 0 and 4 years old, written by Sam McBratney. In this book, the story describes how to measure love. Can that really be done?

A little hare tries to measure her mother’s love. It’s a perfectly illustrated story to read before going to bed. Enjoy the book by reading it aloud with your child.

Frog and Toad, inseparable

This book is for boys and girls between 4 and 6 years old and it is written by Arnold Lobel. As you can imagine, Frog and Toad are best friends. They do and share many things together and also go on exciting adventures.

It is a simple book for children who are just starting to read. They can read this story to Mom and Dad, or they can discover it on their own.

I will kill monsters for you

This is a book for girls and boys ages 5 and up, written by Santi Balmes.

Martina is a girl who is scared at night because she believes there are monsters under her bed. It’s a perfect story to share with kids; especially to make them understand that fears can be fought.

Little red, green, yellow, blue and white caps

This story is for boys and girls ages 6 and up, written by Bruno Munari and Enrica Agostinelli.

It is a version that is very different from the classic story about Little Red Riding Hood. There are many little caps in this book. They are very smart and well prepared thanks to their friends; they leave the bad wolf hungry.

Teamwork and trust are the main characters of this story.

Where the monsters live

This is also a great book for boys and girls ages 6 and up. It was written by Maurice Sendak.

Max the protagonist is a naughty boy who wants to become a scary monster. One night the room turns into a jungle… What will happen next? 

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