My Baby Wants To Be Carried All The Time!

If a baby wants to be carried all the time, it can be quite stressful for the mother. However, your child really needs your attention to feel protected and loved. To ease your frustration, we have some ideas and practical tips for you in today’s article.
My baby wants to be carried all the time!

The truth is that it is very natural to carry your baby in your arms. Your baby really needs it. It is one of the most important ways to strengthen the bond between parents and children. Your baby wants to be carried all the time because he feels safer and more protected in your arms.

The problem is that we simply don’t have the time to carry them in our arms all the time. So today we’ll be addressing a question you’ve probably asked yourself many times: “What the hell can I do if my baby wants to be carried all the time?”

How can I do the housework if my baby wants to be carried all the time?

A baby needs attention. However, how can you do the housework when you have to carry your baby all the time? Here are some suggestions that you can hopefully apply to your specific situation.

The easiest solution is to take advantage of the moments when your little one sleeps. This way you can do all your work without any problems. The only downside here is that when he’s sleeping you might want to get some rest yourself!

A good option is to buy a baby carrier. With this accessory you have your hands free to work. And at the same time, your baby will receive the affection he so desperately needs.

It is important to point out that you should never, ever use the baby carrier while cooking. You could put your child at significant risk by doing so.

An advantage of the baby carrier is that when you go for a walk, it will be much more comfortable for you, especially if you have to lift a lot of things.

At what point should a baby become independent?

During his first months of life, your baby needs to be in your arms to feel protected and loved. However, as he gets older it is important to teach him to be a little more independent and take care of himself.

For example, if he is already 1 or 2 years old, then you should not go to him immediately as soon as he cries. If you do, he’ll think he can control you simply by crying.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should completely ignore your baby. He still needs your protection and care. However, you should avoid overprotection and over-reliance.

How can you achieve that?

parents carry their baby

It’s a little trickier if your baby just wants to be in your arms and doesn’t adjust to the crib or stroller. Not only that, he’s gaining weight and to top it all off, he doesn’t want to be held by anyone else!

Do not worry! With patience and time you will help your baby to become more independent.

Stop Thinking Your Baby Doesn’t Understand

Babies and young children are very intelligent and can understand very well what you are teaching them. Just tell him that Mom is busy and that he needs to be patient and wait for Mom to finish her tasks. Or that mom is tired and needs a break!

He may not listen to you at first and will often grumble. This is because he has not yet developed self-control. Don’t give in, though. You teach him the very important lesson that he should also think about other people and not always be the center of attention.

This does not mean that you should be rude to your child. You can teach him that he can feel safe even if he is not physically close to you.

Here are some ways to achieve this goal:

  • Let daddy take care of him too.
  • Invite other people you trust to play with him.
  • Give him colorful, noisy toys and he will learn to have fun with them.
  • Give him a piece of fruit or a cookie and that will calm him down for a while.
  • Let him move around the house, in the walker or crawling. Remember that you should take the necessary precautions so that your child is not in danger as he gets to know his environment.

What if my baby wants to be carried when we take a walk?

mother carries crying baby

Children love to go outside. They love to feel free to learn and explore new things and environments. And so, if your baby wants to be carried for a walk, it’s probably a symptom of fatigue.

That’s why you should always plan these outings well. If not, your child is probably so tired that he wants to be carried all the time. You will then be as tired as he is.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Before you leave, put plenty of water and food in your backpack. This gives your child more energy to play.
  • Bring toys or objects such as a ball to entertain him outside.
  • If he can’t walk yet, make sure you have the stroller with you. This is also useful for those who have already taken their first steps. If he exhausts himself, then he can rest and you can take him home again.

Finally, remember that if your little baby wants to be carried in your arms all the time, he probably needs it. Offer him all the love he deserves and little by little teach him to be more independent. 

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