Early Stimulation Exercises For Children

Early stimulation exercises are very beneficial for children. It helps them to develop their motor and cognitive skills well.
Early Stimulation Exercises For Kids

Early stimulation exercises can help your children develop better psychomotor and cognitive abilities.

Early childhood stimulation exercises can be done with newborns to 6-year-olds. Most importantly, they are done when the child’s personality is still developing.

It is recommended to start these stimulation exercises when the child is just born. It helps children to learn progressively better skills when you start at an early age.

What are early stimulation exercises for?

These are the 4 skills involved in early stimulation exercises:

  • The fine motor skills. The development of fine motor skills involves hands and fingers. This becomes relevant when babies notice that they can move their hands.
  • Gross motor skills. This involves other parts of the body, such as the arms, legs and the movement of the body in general.
  • Socially emotional. This is, for example, the ability to empathize with others (socially) and the ability to show emotions (emotional).
  • Language. This includes the ability to speak, but also to respond.

The intensity of these exercises depends on the age of the child. If you have a newborn, you should start slowly and increase the intensity slightly as your child gets older.

Early Stimulation Exercises

To name some of the most popular stimulation exercises, we will use three different categories. As we have said before , the intensity of the exercises should depend on the age of the child.

Picking up objects helps your baby develop

Early Stimulation Exercises for Newborns

  1. Give your child an object that makes a sound to help your child learn to grasp things.
  2. To encourage facial stimulation, place your fingers on the center of the child’s forehead, nose or lips and slowly slide them apart.
  3. Give your child something that grabs their attention, such as a brightly colored object.
  4. Kissing, stroking and talking to them in a loving way will develop their social skills.
  5. From 4 months, exercise starts to play a major role. Babies can now roll onto their backs and move forward a few feet.
  6. Stretch and bend his arms and legs.
  7. Keep doing these exercises as your baby grows, making them more complicated each time.

Stimulation exercises for children from 1 to 3 years

As soon as children are 1 year old it is time for them to discover their environment and see depth.

  1. At this age, children also move and stand up independently. Get their attention by grabbing a toy and placing it close to them so they can grab it.
  2. Games will help children to learn new things. This includes, for example, body parts, numbers from 1 to 10, and colors.
  3. Using songs as part of these games can help children train their memory.
  4. Help them learn simple tasks such as picking up their toys, asking them to go to the bathroom, and dressing and undressing themselves. These little things will help teach them good habits.
Woman playing with her child

Stimulation exercises for children from 3 to 6 years

  1. Use simple puzzles to teach them how pieces fit together. This will develop their thinking process better.
  2. Use music to encourage movement. Then teach them simple dances that they can easily remember.
  3. Have them draw and ask them what they are drawing. This causes them to explain what they are feeling in that moment.
  4. Teach them simple tasks like throwing things in the trash and taking a spoon from the drawer.
  5. Encourage imagination development by using a plush toy as the protagonist of a made-up story.
  6. How children consider others is very important. Therefore, talking to and playing with them is very important for their development.

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