Preventing Anemia: Which Foods Help?

Preventing Anemia: Which Foods Help?

Preventing anemia is possible by feeding certain foods to your child.

Anemia is usually related to a lack of hemoglobin. This is a molecule that carries oxygen through the blood.

A lack of nutrients or hemoglobin can make your child sick. That is why it is crucial to know what to do in this case.

Symptoms of Anemia

Following is a list of possible symptoms of anemia. Consult your pediatrician if you notice one or more of these things in your child.

  • Starts to act irritable
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Eat less than usual
  • Feels constantly weak or tired
  • a sore tongue
  • Headache or Dizziness
  • Anemia at a later stage can lead to brittle nails and a blue or sallow skin color

This condition can also be caused by a lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid.

Foods That Prevent Anemia

You can prevent anemia by choosing specific foods. Here we will take a closer look at what is best to give to your child.


Fruit is one of the healthiest foods for a child. Apples are rich in iron. Therefore, they are ideal to prevent anemia.

There are many other fruits that are rich in iron. Think, for example, of plums, bananas, lemons, grapes, oranges, figs, carrots and raisins. It is better if these are consumed in ample amounts.


Honey is an important source of iron, copper and manganese. This combination promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin. Therefore, honey is an important weapon against anemia.

You can add this to your child’s snack or give it as part of breakfast.

Prevent anemia


Lamb, beef and other red meats are high in iron. In addition, they contain heme compounds that are quickly absorbed by the cells of the body.

Beef liver contains more than 600% of the daily requirement for this mineral. Meat is also an important source of vitamin B12.

Seafood and fish

Fish helps to prevent anemia because it contains a lot of iron.

Some of the major fatty fish (such as tuna and salmon) are very good sources of iron, as are seafood such as oysters and mussels.


Eggs are a good source of protein and high in antioxidants. These help the body to store vitamins.

A large egg contains about 1 mg of iron. Therefore, eating eggs regularly helps to prevent this condition.


Vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, broccoli, celery, beetroot and cabbages contain a lot of iron and therefore help to increase energy levels.

In addition, many vegetables contain  vitamin B12, folic acid and other nutrients that help the body recover from anemia faster.

Prevent anemia with vegetables

Legumes and nuts

Lentils, chickpeas, beans and soybeans should not be missing in your child’s diet. Especially not when they show symptoms of anemia.

Other very important foods are whole grains, dried dates, peanuts, walnuts and almonds. All these products are particularly suitable for preventing and combating anemia.


100 grams of oatmeal contains about 4.7 mg of iron, which is more than in meat (3 mg). One cup provides 60% of the daily requirement for this mineral.


Red beets are also very suitable for fighting anemia. Beets are high in iron, vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium and folates. As a result, they can be used particularly well against this condition.

In addition, beetroot stimulates the production of blood cells in the bone marrow.

An appropriate diet through eating these foods will help prevent anemia and a host of other diseases.

Always consult a pediatrician if your child is already anemic and complications arise. This is important so that the child can be examined and to learn what steps to take. 

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