My Friends Don’t Like My Partner: What Can I Do?

When we meet someone and start a new relationship, we sometimes worry that it will not be accepted by our circle of friends. How much importance should we attach to the approval of our friends?
My Friends Don't Like My Partner: What Can I Do?

You recently met someone and started a relationship. Sooner or later, the time will come when you introduce your partner to your friends. This is an essential step for securing your bond. But you may be wondering, “What should I do if my friends don’t like my partner?”

If they’re old friends you really trust, they’ll tell you right away. If they don’t know how to say it, they will definitely show you one way or the other.

For this reason, it is important to make time to get together. This gives them the opportunity to voice their concerns out loud, but always with respect.

My friends don’t like my partner… How do I deal with this problem?

Wife thinks friends don't like my partner

Before talking to your friends, it’s a good idea to answer some questions for yourself. For example, what do my friends mean to me? What did they think of other partners? Why wouldn’t my friends like my partner? Does my partner know? What does he think?

Sometimes girlfriends are like sisters. This is not always positive if we think that family is limiting or oppressive. When a group of friends is a clan of sorts, a newcomer must pass many tests before being approved by the group.

Is that why your friends don’t like your partner? If you think that’s the case, it probably doesn’t bother you. It’s really not possible to make everyone happy or to fit every group.

If you’re in a relationship with someone who makes you feel good about yourself, the rest may just be a matter of time.

Think about romantic relationships

There is something very important that everyone should do when you are in a relationship: think about your own concept of love. In particular, the concept of romantic love.

medieval romance

The goal of this research is to find a solid, realistic foundation that can bring you well-being. This helps you clarify your vision, leave outdated ideas behind and free yourself from idealizations.

In other words, you can’t expect to build a real relationship based on old-fashioned ideas in the middle of the 21st century. People who think that love is synonymous with emotional dependence, jealousy, humiliation, loss of individuality and self-esteem and suffering are wasting their time.

After thinking deeply about the concept of romantic love, it’s a good idea to think about how well your ideas and expectations match reality.

Do you like your partner?

If “my friends don’t like my partner” is a concern that resonates with you, it’s important that you seriously question whether you love your partner yourself. Remember that well-being is important for all relationships.

Intimate couple

If you choose the second option in most of the following questions regarding your partner, you may need to listen to your friends.

  • Do you feel respected or does your partner criticize every decision you make?
  • Does your partner love you the way you are, or does he constantly find faults?
  • Does he like it when you have friends, or does he prefer to spend 24 hours a day together?
  • Do you laugh a lot, or are you unhappy, bitter and sad?
  • Are you afraid of your partner’s anger? Do you avoid confronting him ?
  • Does he show concern for you, your needs, your time, and your fears, or does he avoid you when you ask for help?

Find the balance between what your friends tell you and what you think, experience and feel about your partner. Don’t ignore the opinions of others, but don’t be completely seduced by what they say.

Talk to your friends, communicate with your partner, but most of all be honest with yourself.

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