How Do You Deal With Your Child’s Learning Disability

Accepting that your child has a learning disability can cause a lot of stress and difficult moments. Keep reading to find out how to deal with it.
How do you deal with your child's learning disability?

When parents wait for their child to be born, they often fantasize about what their child will look like, what he or she will be, the abilities, etc. However, when the child is born with a disability or disorder, they must learn to use these new accept the situation. For this reason, we have prepared the following article on how to deal with your child’s learning disability, for example.

Homeschooling is essential when raising a child with a learning disability (not to be confused with a learning disability) to help them develop and have a good start in life. It is important to treat them fairly and be aware of their limits. However, you shouldn’t be too protective of them either.

A girl who is painting

What is a learning disability?

Currently, a learning disability is defined as the existence of a significantly lower level of development than expected for the person’s age, in the following two areas :

  • Intellectual functioning
  • Adaptive behavior

In addition, the children usually show the following symptoms:

  • Problems with gross and fine motor skills
  • Muscle hypotonia (more commonly known as a floppy baby)
  • Difficulty adapting to the environment
  • Difficulty establishing social and communicative interactions
  • Difficulty developing their personal independence and autonomy

How do you deal with your child’s learning disability?

Accepting that your child has a learning disability is often very difficult, and you may even experience a kind of grieving. In these cases, it is smart to have an expert nearby who can help you adjust.

This is beneficial for both the child and the parents. They all need advice to deal with the situation as best as possible.

Understanding the diagnosis is important. In addition, it is best to stay in touch with specialists and associations so that you have support. For example, parents can:

  • Learning intervention strategies
  • Learning to observe
  • Obtain Stimulation and Parenting Skills
  • Having the necessary information about learning disabilities
  • Connecting with other families who are in the same situation

Parents need this knowledge and help so that their child can develop well in every aspect of his or her life and parents learn to deal with the learning disability in the best possible way. At the same time , however , parents should not be too protective of their child or underestimate their abilities.

Help for the parents

Parents should also ask for advice and guidance in relation to their relationship. It often happens that the relationship deteriorates because of the constant stress, conflicts and arguments during the child’s upbringing. It is also possible that one parent or both parents find the situation very overwhelming.

In addition, we must understand how to deal with friends and the rest of the family (grandparents, uncles, nieces, nephews, etc.) They must also understand the child’s situation and behavior. 

Two boys playing

A handicap: another path

The birth of a child means a change in his or her life for every person. It is the moment that fatherhood or motherhood begins. However, when the baby has a learning disability, it will come completely out of nowhere for the parents.

As a result, their path becomes different from the one they expected – one that takes into account the child’s special needs.

Therefore, fathers and mothers of a child with a learning disability need guidance to improve the child’s quality of life, but also that of themselves and their families.

Finally, we think it is worth mentioning Pablo Pineda, a teacher, conference speaker, actor and the first European with Down Syndrome to receive a university degree. He is the example of how learning disabilities can be overcome.

This phrase should be remembered by all fathers and mothers of children with learning disabilities. As a result, they will believe in their children’s qualities and abilities and encourage them to achieve great things in their lives.

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