Mothers Do Not Sleep But Are Always Alert

Mothers do not sleep because from birth wakefulness begins to play a dominant role in their consciousness. This wakefulness becomes even more important than much-needed sleep.
Mothers don't sleep but are always alert

The neuro-cognitive functions of women who have become mothers are always running at full capacity, and even when they rest with their eyes closed, mothers are always alert.

This state of wakefulness is metabolic and unique to mothers. These women have a unique heart, courage and perseverance.

Why don’t mothers need sleep?

People say mothers don’t need sleep and this is true. No one else would make such a claim because it is completely against human nature and seems counterproductive.

We must not forget that sleep is a psychological state: organisms need hours of sleep to fully recover.

So we need to explore how it’s possible for this to happen to women (metaphorically speaking).

When a woman becomes a mother, she immediately develops the ability to rest without having to completely disconnect from the world and the environment.

A world that, after birth, focuses entirely on the crib next to her bed. And this night after night.

There is no movement, moaning or breathing of her child that she does not feel. This allows her to wake up even after she has just fallen asleep.

Mothers have the gift of understanding and hearing their children better than anyone, even without seeing them. Even in a dark room with their eyes closed, they are still vigilant.

Mothers are always alert

Why is it said that mothers are always on the alert?

People say moms are always on the lookout because it’s the truth. They are always ready to deal with unexpected situations as well as with their daily tasks :

  • When the baby needs to be breastfed.
  • When the baby cries after waking up and needs to be rocked back to sleep.
  • Whenever the newborn wants to be taken out of the crib to be held by mom.
  • When the baby cries due to stomachache.
  • Whenever a diaper needs to be changed.
  • When the baby feels bad after a vaccination.

Mom is always there when the baby needs her. She knows how her baby wants to be treated and that is why the baby feels safe and comfortable with her.

For mothers there is no moment that does not fit. Whenever the baby needs attention, even if it is at 2 a.m., Mom is ready to help.

Mothers don’t sleep, they are always alert

Mothers are always alert as this is a natural state for them. Their strength comes from within. They may be so exhausted that they are about to pass out or so stressed that they can barely think.

This pressure can also make mothers sad. Perhaps their days have changed so profoundly and their lives are very different from the past. That is why we sometimes feel sad and cry.

You are a mother and you know what we are talking about. Your mood fluctuates almost as much as during the . But before the sadness has settled, the tears dry up again, you pick yourself up and you become happy again.

Mothers are always attentive to their babies

You smile and recover to such an extent that you replace the feeling of exultation with exuberant joy.

This is the gift that women have and it is because of their motherly love. The love they feel when they hear their baby’s cries, laughter, or cooing.

Mothers can also become depressed, they can be extremely exhausted, but they always hold their own and feel happy that they have been able to give birth to a human being. Therefore, they have an obligation to take care of the new child.

Mothers are special beings and possess almost superhuman strength. They can spend one, two, three years of their lives without sleeping and still look beautiful and loving.

Mom, life thanks you for your integrity, persistence, patience and all the sacrifices you make every day. Day and night, your little one’s well-being is more important than your own desires and vital needs.

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