Vomiting And Nausea During Pregnancy

Vomiting and nausea during pregnancy

Vomiting and nausea during pregnancy are common symptoms. Typically, these experiences are associated with being pregnant, even if the person is not pregnant.

Vomiting and nausea are no fun. They are often associated with a healthy pregnancy.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most in this regard. Some women suffer from this more than others.

These symptoms often appear well before we know the good news.

They rarely persist throughout the pregnancy. During the first days they can ruin our mornings. They usually occur during breakfast or when we just get out of bed.

Most mothers-to-be have to deal with this during their pregnancy. We know it’s a common process. However, this does not mean that we should suffer quietly. We can also do something about it.

Specialists and other mothers have found solutions and remedies. We give you tips below to relieve the symptoms.

Causes of Vomiting and Nausea During Pregnancy

It is unlikely that we can avoid these inconveniences when we are pregnant. They are normally due to an increase in the production of hormones such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

This hormonal increase is triggered by the fertilization of the egg. At a later stage, this is also triggered by the development of the placenta.

Vomiting and Nausea

During the first months, this keeps the production of the above hormone high. Therefore, vomiting and nausea occurs during the first stage.

These symptoms may also occur during other stages of pregnancy. Normally, they gradually decrease as the pregnancy progresses.

hCG, like progesterone, is  a hormone that increases the relaxation of the digestive system. That is why heartburn is more common. These hormones also affect the areas in the brain that induce vomiting.

Advice to treat vomiting and nausea

As mentioned, it is not easy to avoid these hormonal changes. We can still take steps to minimize the symptoms.

Vomiting and nausea are normal, but sometimes they need to be controlled. It not only avoids the inconvenience. It can also have unwanted consequences. 

Vomiting during pregnancy: sitting next to the toilet

If a pregnant woman vomits intensively, dehydration can occur. She may suffer from nutritional deficiencies as much of the nutrition is lost.

In some cases, it is necessary to see a doctor to recover. The tips below can also help us feel better.

  • Biscuits or crackers can help early in the morning. If you experience this discomfort when you wake up, it helps to have some crackers on hand. Eat some before you get out of bed. This will balance your low blood sugar.
  • You can continue to have a normal breakfast after eating the crackers ten minutes before getting out of bed. However, drinking is not recommended at this time. Are you planning to drink coffee or juice? Then wait up to three hours after eating solid foods.
  • Avoid heavy meals. Opt for several small meals rather than one large meal. It is also not good to not eat for a long time. Air build-up can be harmful in this case.
  • Remember to limit your activities, as vomiting and nausea cause fatigue.
  • It is recommended to replace the water and salt that you have lost after periods of intense vomiting. So remember to stay as hydrated as possible throughout the day.

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