Choosing A Changing Table Or Changing Mat

Do you know how many commodes and changing mats are for sale? We will discuss a number of options so that you can choose the right changing table according to your needs and lifestyle. 
Choose a changing table or changing mat

Are you pregnant? Without a doubt, millions of questions are running through your mind now that you are having a baby. Some of these issues can be very complex, but some are quite simple – such as choosing a changing table or changing mat. In this article we will help you with this challenge.

When your child is born, you will have to change your baby’s diaper every day. These moments will be perfect for bonding with your child. You can play with your baby, give a massage, talk to him or her or give him or her attention.

A changing pad is a small pillow that you can put your baby on when you change his or her diaper. You need to pick one that is comfortable, practical, easy to clean and ensures that you have everything you need close at hand. A changing table is another option to use.

Know the different options you can choose from

A soft mat

This is the basic option and consists of a small mattress, which is preferably lined with plastic and covered with a soft and washable fabric.

  • These mini mattresses are comfortable and you can place them on any surface.
  • The biggest advantage is that you can move them from one room to another.
  • In addition, they take up very little space.

An inflatable mat

This mat is ideal if you are traveling with your baby as it is made of non-toxic PVC which can be inflated and deflated.

You can wrap a cloth around it so that the PVC doesn’t rub against your baby’s skin. As we have already said, this mat is perfect when you are travelling. However, it is not convenient for everyday use.

a chest of drawers

This is the most robust and complete option, which is perfect for the home. It contains drawers, cupboards and enough space to store things like baby clothes and hygiene products. 

There is a changing pad on top of a changing table. A chest of drawers is often in a permanent place in the house, but there are also models with wheels so that they can be moved.

The advantage of a chest of drawers is that everything is in one place. However, you cannot use it outdoors. If you are looking for the right changing place, this is without a doubt a favourite. You can use it as a closet and as a changing mat.

A dresser with a bath

This is a changing table just like the other variants, except it has the advantage of also containing a bath. Although it can be practical, you will lose a large amount of storage space because the tub takes up a lot of space.

You can find variants that are collapsible and models that you can take out of the bath when your baby is a little older. This way you can still use the changing table when your baby can be washed in a normal bath.

A baby in the bath

A folding chest of drawers

You can fold these commodes in the same way as a lap tray. They may or may not include a tub and are perfect if you don’t have a lot of space in your home. You can keep it behind the bathroom door when you’re not using it.

A diaper bag

Whichever option you choose, a diaper bag is always essential. It is very useful to have a bag in which you can keep diapers, wet wipes, clean clothes and a changing mat.  You can always have it ready when you go outside to avoid inconveniences when changing your baby outside the home.

There are several options when it comes to a changing table and changing mat. In fact, you will probably need more than one option as your child gets older. Consider carefully which option best suits your needs and lifestyle before purchasing.

Also, always make sure that the material is of good quality, non-toxic and safe to use to avoid accidents.

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