The Consequences Of Not Sleeping Well During Puberty

Sleep is an important part of development during puberty. In today’s article we will discuss the consequences of not getting enough sleep.
The consequences of not sleeping well during puberty

Sleeping is an action that we perform automatically every day. It is very important when it comes to regenerating the mind and body. Sleep is important for everyone, but especially for those who are still developing. That is why we have written the following article in which we mention the consequences of not sleeping well during puberty.

During this period, children go through many physical, psychological, emotional and social changes. These changes can also affect their sleep quality.

Why do teens have trouble sleeping?

When we sleep at night we go through 2 alternating sleep cycles.

  • Non-REM sleep : Non-REM sleep consists of 4 phases, which consists of a transition phase between the waking and sleeping state.
  • REM sleep : Also known as dream sleep. In this cycle, the eyes move very quickly.

In this sense, slow wave sleep (the third stage of non-REM sleep) is the most important stage. The basic function of this sleep phase is to reduce brain metabolism and allow the brain to rest. In addition, experts believe that REM sleep is related to brain development and learning.

Mobile use before sleeping

These stages can change quickly in teenagers. The reasons for this are poor sleeping habits and the social pressures that young students experience today.

Not sleeping well in puberty

Proper sleep habits include a number of necessary practices. These practices allow teens to maintain a normal state during nighttime sleep and during daytime wakefulness.

When teens have trouble sleeping well, the reasons can be related to the following:

  • Unhealthy eating habits, especially in the evening.
  • Performing physical exercises before sleeping.
  • Consuming certain drinks such as coffee, energy drinks, alcohol and caffeinated soft drinks or tobacco or drugs.
  • Watch series or movies until late in the evening.
  • Mobile use before sleeping.
  • Playing video games in the evening.

William Charles Dement, an American sleep researcher, said on this subject: “Adolescence is the great and frightening transition from childhood to adulthood. It is in the interest of civilized society that a child emerges from this transition mature, responsible and well educated.

Along with mental and physical maturation, preventive health as a triumvirate must be inculcated during adolescence as a permanent philosophy of life.

The practice of healthy eating will ensure the best possible outcome during aging. Exercise and physical fitness will also promote health and quality of life.

Healthy and sufficient sleep promotes longevity and in particular the optimal use of our waking hours. We are only healthy if our sleep is healthy. Unfortunately, the intrusion of this third member of the triumvirate of preventive health is absent.

Social obligations

If you think about it, our modern society has many expectations and obligations. So it’s quite possible that academic and social demands affect a teen’s sleep.

Many teens participate in various activities or spend their afternoons with friends. This prevents them from keeping up with their academic obligations.

In fact, many young people spend their nights awake so that they can do homework or prepare for a test. However, too little sleep is linked to poor school performance. This is because teenagers need enough sleep to properly store and process information. This is very important in improving the learning process.

Gaming before going to sleep

The consequences of not sleeping well during puberty

During the school year, teens have to spend many hours in school every day. If they didn’t sleep well the night before, it will undoubtedly have a negative impact on their day.

The negative consequences are for example:

  • Difficulty paying attention during an explanation.
  • Problems while concentrating on schoolwork.
  • Fatigue.
  • Amnesia.
  • Difficulty taking notes without being distracted.
  • Social problems.
  • Poor school performance.
  • Irritability and mood swings.
  • Less motivation and energy.
  • Can’t solve problems and can’t make choices.

The consequences of not sleeping well during puberty are therefore very serious. It hinders the proper functioning of their bodies and brains, which causes cognitive and motor problems.

It also affects their mood and their daily life in general. That is why it is important to solve sleep problems in puberty. Otherwise they will only get worse.

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