Anger Management If You Want Your Kids To Listen

If you don’t want your children to scream in the house, you will also have to learn to control your anger so that there is mutual respect.
Anger management if you want your kids to listen

Leading by example is very important. What happens every day at home tends to repeat itself in other aspects of life. Your own anger management is therefore of great importance, for example if you want your children to listen to you.

Take the opportunity to intervene and correct in a positive way. While that sounds simple, it is anything but. However, the point is that you call on your emotional intelligence during everyday life.

This tool ensures that you show  yourself at your best  in situations that can test your patience.

According to Salovey and Mayer, emotional intelligence means: “The ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings, distinguish them, and use this information to guide one’s thinking and acting.”

So, before you get upset for any reason, you should analyze the situation and react appropriately. You shouldn’t want the behaviors you know you can influence to affect your children emotionally. 

Anger management and, for example, eye-level contact is very important

Why do we get angry?

According to specialists, anger is a basic and universal feeling. All people and animals can feel this. It is therefore of great value when it comes to survival. The trick, however, is not to become an irritable parent.

This does not mean that you should hide negative emotions all the time. It is normal to experience different feelings as a person. In any case, however, it is important to put your anger in perspective. Uncontrolled anger affects your environment negatively.

Take as an example the moment your son breaks a glass because he was playing with the ball indoors. Even if this made you very angry, because this glass was a gift from your mother, it is important that you explain in a moderate, calm tone why this behavior is not intended to occur again in the future.

That way you can be sure that your child hears you and that the situation is trauma-free. 

If, on the other hand, you react in the opposite direction, chances are your child will become nervous and burst into tears. When you get angry and yell, he will get upset. He will not understand that he should not repeat his behavior.

Anger management by walking away for 5 minutes so you can calm down

Anger Management: Give yourself 5 minutes and make sure your child listens

Anger management is vital at all stages of your children’s lives. As they grow up, this can become more difficult during puberty and adolescence.

Without a doubt  , it is important that you make an effort to control yourself. Encourage good communication from the first few years of your child’s life. 

Remind yourself that while the innocence of childhood can make you forget some parental mistakes, it gets harder as your children get older. Little by little, children become more and more aware of their environment and they will create patterns, depending on what they have been given in their daily lives.

That’s why it’s wise to start with anger management and be mindful when your mood spirals out of control.

This is the time when you can walk away and give your anger 5 minutes. In this way, the level of discomfort decreases and you establish a more positive attitude towards your child.

Encourage communication

Instead of keeping your distance and acting authoritarian towards your child, encourage communication and correct wisely: 

  • Bend over and talk to him appropriately.
  • Look him in the eye and ask him to pay attention.
  • When you have the attention, explain the situation and ask if he understands.
  • Repeat this process as needed so that it becomes a habit. This prevents a household full of tension and more distance from your child.

In this way you achieve a much more positive relationship. The parent-child relationship will be based on mutual respect, values ​​and norms.

Apply these rules daily. They will undoubtedly help you approach life in a relaxed manner and strengthen the bond and affection between you.

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