Nitrous Oxide As A Painkiller For Childbirth

Nitrous oxide as a pain reliever for childbirth

Have you ever seen the infamous “laughing gas” in movies or cartoons? This gas is called nitrous oxide and has been used for some time now as a pain reliever for childbirth.

It is striking that the results appear to be positive. Below we will elaborate on this peculiar technique.

Countries such as Canada, England, Finland, Sweden and Australia typically use this gas to sedate women during labour.

The gas has a slightly sweet taste and low toxicity. Moreover, in these cases the gas is mixed with 50% oxygen: this mixture is then called entonox. 

What is the effect of laughing gas?

When used as a pain reliever for childbirth, the gas neutralizes the pain stimulus in the brain.

Laughing gas was first used in the medical world in dental extractions. Of course, this pain has little to do with the pain of childbirth.

Basically, women feel a bit dizzy and relaxed. Although the pain is still felt, the gas still brings relief.

It is generally used as the sole pain reliever for childbirth. Compared to epidural anesthesia, the effectiveness is lower in terms of pain reduction.

Benefits of nitrous oxide as a pain reliever for childbirth

In some countries, such as the United States, its use is questioned or even banned in certain places. However, laughing gas has the following advantages:

  • It works fast. Because it is not absorbed into the blood or other tissues, it acts as a quick anesthetic. Also, the effect disappears shortly after stopping the administration.
  • It is effectively removed. The gas mainly exits the body through the lungs, although minimal release through the skin was also noted. After about two minutes, the gas has worn off.
Laughing gas as a painkiller for childbirth
  • It has no effect on the fetus or the mother.  It has been proven to have no negative effects on breastfeeding. Nor does it suppress uterine contractions.
  • It is easy to administer. The nurse places an oxygen mask over the mother’s nose and mouth and in no time the gas enters the lungs. Moreover, it is the woman herself who administers the doses.
  • Feeling of a natural birth. Those who have used it emphasize that nitrous oxide feels more like a natural birth than after an epidural. Although the pain is felt more, there is no loss of feeling or control below the waist.
  • It’s cheaper than an epidural. 

How is laughing gas used?

The peculiarity of this method is that the mother administers the inhalation herself. How does this work?

Once the oxygen mask is in place, the woman takes a deep breath. In the meantime, she follows the instructions of the nurse or midwife.

For each contraction, she inhales deeply and slowly. Since it takes about 30 seconds for the gas to start working, it usually coincides with the time of the most severe pain. Once it wears off, the woes are over.

This is the essence of the use: to combine the maximum analgesic effect with the maximum pain during contractions. In general, the mother succeeds in achieving this after a few attempts.

Laughing gas serves as a painkiller for childbirth

Disadvantages of laughing gas

The first disadvantage has to do with the intensity of the pain. Since it is analgesic and not anesthetic, it reduces pain, but does not suppress it.

Therefore, if the pain becomes unbearable, the woman should resort to other more vigorous methods.

On the other hand , it usually induces nausea. This can sometimes be very annoying. This happens between 25 and 30 percent of the time when used in childbirth.

Finally , other side effects may also occur, although to a lesser extent:

  • dry mouth
  • languor
  • tinnitus
  • memory disorders
  • A tingling feeling
  • euphoria

Logically , there are also cases in which the use of laughing gas is not recommended. For example, when the mother has lung problems or increased pressure in the brain. However, this is not very common.

In short, it can be said that nitrous oxide is a safe method for women who prefer it. In the end, everyone has to make their own choice: not everyone experiences pain in the same way. 

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