What’s In The New Mom’s Hospital Bag?

Normally, all your care is for the baby during pregnancy. From the first day you know you are pregnant you start buying baby stuff. But what should be included in the mother’s trousseau? When should you have it ready?
What should be in the new mother's hospital bag?

A second pregnancy has its advantages. One is that you are familiar with what is going to happen. You probably already know what you will need in the hospital bag for the baby and the mother.

However, for a new mother it can be difficult to prepare and prepare the bag that you will take with you to the hospital on the day of delivery. You ask yourself, “Is this necessary or not?” “Do I have enough with me?”

In any case, it is recommended that as a mother-to-be you are organized and that you gradually solve the problems that come your way. The key to preparing the right lay-out for your hospital bag is organisation, coherence and insight. This will help you dispel doubts and find concrete solutions.

If you have no idea what to put in your hospital bag, it’s good to get information about it. It’s not just about the stuff for the baby, but what does the mother herself need? We therefore give you some advice in this article and we hope that you can use it.

The trousseau for mother and baby

What should be in the new mother’s hospital bag?

You’ve probably already gathered all the baby stuff when you decided to start preparing your total layette and your hospital bag. In general, getting ready for the baby’s arrival takes up all of our time, energy, and even our budget.

However, you will have to reserve something for the last minute. There will undoubtedly be things that you do not have and for which you still have to go out to get them.

It is good to plan ahead of time, and if necessary, write down each part. To get started, we recommend that you check what you already have and what you still need.

Even though only a few moms will care about their appearance, it’s important to think about what you’ll look like and what you’d like to take with you.

However, undue worry is not necessary. A while before the delivery, the midwife will also indicate which products you should take with you to the hospital. These are things like documents, medicines and extra supplies.

Moreover , we would like to point out that there are many people who would like to help you. Think, for example, of the baby’s grandparents, friends and other experienced relatives.

We do recommend that you make a checklist that will help you with the organisation. This way you can better see what you have to take with you and what is still missing. The checklist might look something like this.

Things that belong in the hospital bag from the new mom

  • The things that belong to the baby’s trousseau, such as the rompers, diapers and clothes
  • Dressing gown or pajamas that make it easy to breastfeed, so with buttons or something else that you can open from the front. Preference is given to cotton or soft and pleasant materials
  • Large and tall cotton or disposable underpants
  • Special sanitary pads for after birth
  • Slippers
  • Nursing pads for after breastfeeding to absorb the excess breast milk
You have to prepare the hospital bag in time
  • Loose clothes that you can wear when you leave the hospital, preferably those that you wore during the last months of your pregnancy.
  • Personal documents : identification, means of payment such as bank card and money, recent medical statements and reports.
  • Toiletries : shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, comb, hairpins and clips etc.
  • It is important to add extra things according to your own needs , such as make-up, photo and / or video camera, music, books, the baby book and other things that you value.

Prepare in time

You have to take into account that the delivery can occur earlier than the expected date. It is therefore advisable to have the hospital bag ready in good time. You know that from the 37th week the baby can announce itself for the birth at any time. It is therefore better to have everything ready in advance.

Have the hospital bag ready from the 37th week or wait until the very last moment, the choice is of course yours. However, the advice for the mother-to-be is that she be prepared in time.

Even though there may be some time left to do the last few errands, it is better that all of Mom and Dad’s energy focuses on the birth of the child.

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