Being Honest, How Do You Teach That To Your Child?

Be honest, how do you teach that to your child?

Most of us know how important it is to be able to trust someone. Life has taught us the value of being honest. Moreover, we know that we must teach this virtue to our children.
Honesty is a value that is easy to learn if practiced every day. Parents should be honest themselves and radiate honesty, but they should also try to encourage it in their children. So parents should promote honesty with the same dedication when tending a beautiful rose in the garden.

If we properly care for this rose or precious diamond, the value of honesty will always be stronger than the many lies that sometimes overshadow this life.

Why does your little angel start to lie?

When children start talking, they can’t help but tell the truth at first. Little kids can’t help but be honest. That is why we must inculcate and stimulate this virtue in them.

Yet there are numerous reasons why these little angels, who originally knew nothing but the truth, are beginning to be dishonest. One of the main reasons for this is that sometimes lying can help you avoid certain situations. Lying can also help to escape the consequences of their actions.

In addition, children often begin to lie to get a favor. Sometimes they find that lying is the best way to get that reward they crave…

The truth is that there are countless reasons why a child starts to lie. However, when you examine these reasons, it is not difficult to see that children usually become dishonest because they see the wrong example. This is especially true for the example of adults.

Before we call them to account or punish them, it is important that we take a good look at ourselves. Perhaps there are things we should try to change about our own behavior.

Be honest, how do you teach that to your child?

Be honest: boy and dog

It is impossible to let your children grow up behind glass so that they remain pure and innocent as when they were born. Sometimes they learn to lie at school instead of at home. Teaching fairness to your child is much more important than punishment.

In other words, learning to appreciate the value of honesty is much more important than retaliation. It is also important to know that a dishonest child is incapable of trusting other people. This lack of confidence is the worst feeling a child can feel about the upbringing that a parent or teacher is trying to convey.

It is extremely important to talk to your child about honesty when you catch him or her lying. This allows you to try to address the unfairness issue as quickly as possible before it escalates further.

Whatever the circumstances, you should talk to your child about this matter as soon as possible. Explain that problems can always be solved better if you are honest.

Honesty is taught by example

When children see adults lying, hiding things, or using the children themselves as accomplices to cover up dishonest behavior, they will learn that honesty is relative. They will get the feeling that anything goes as long as the lie is not discovered.

That’s why you should do everything you can to not make your child an accomplice when you lie. It doesn’t matter how banal the lie is – for example, saying you’re not home when you are. And above all, try not to justify your lies. Never involve your child in a lie, even if it’s just a game.

As parents, we must do everything we can to be as honest as possible. We must never break a promise. Instead, we should underline the value of a promise and try to always keep it.

Leading by example is crucial when trying to explain to children that keeping promises and being honest is important. This way you will have a strong foundation so that you can more easily point out to your child when a promise is not kept. So it is very important that you set a good example.


If your child is honest and tells the truth regularly, it is also important that you promote this value by congratulating your child. If sometimes they fail to be honest like all people on this earth, then the best method is to correct their behavior. The fact that your children choose to tell the truth next time is a sign that they have realized their mistake.

Now it is true that it is not always easy to promote honesty. As parents, we have an important role in helping our children to develop. After all, they will later be the adults who will help change the world we live in.

Here are some helpful tips that will make it easier to teach your child the importance of fairness.

Being honest: stealing cookies

How can you encourage honesty?

  • Talk to your child about the importance of honesty and the truth. Explain that people who lie are untrustworthy and usually don’t get along with other people.
  • Try to explain the concept of integrity and show how it affects life. Explain that integrity means that people believe what you say. In other words, the value of ‘your word’ is still very important.
  • Supervise when they play with other children. Teach them to share their toys with others. Teach them the importance of fair play. R p is a fair way to play will help them to grow into an adult from fair too.
  • Show your child how to be a good friend. Explain the difference between a true friend and an acquaintance. In addition, teaching your child what a true friend is will encourage the values ​​of respect and loyalty.
  • Make your child feel responsible when he or she has done something wrong. Explain what was wrong and why. Show that their actions have consequences. This is a valuable lesson for everyone. In addition, it helps children to think in advance about the consequences of their actions.


We should always try to teach our children these values, even if it is sometimes complicated or we don’t know how to do it. Be patient and you will find the most suitable way for this. Your kids will thank you.

Always keep in mind that this will prepare your kids to face the real world. Honesty will always work in their favor in the long run.

In addition, it is important to know that you have planted these values ​​in your child’s heart. This way you will be more confident about the choices you have made. If you do this, you will be reassured that you have molded them into a good person no matter where they are. 

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