What Is A Learning Tower And What Is It For?

Little ones want to prepare their favorite cake with you or brush their teeth themselves. But they need a little more height. That’s when you need a learning tower!
What is a learning tower and what is it for?

Kids love to learn to do chores themselves, but because of the size of some furniture and fixtures, they need something to lift them up a bit. One of the most useful and easiest tools is the learning tower.

This is a kind of platform with safety rails, so that the child can reach counters, sinks or tables more safely. It is a stable and sturdy item that you can buy or make yourself if you like DIY.

But why use these types of elements? What advantages does the learning tower offer? Read the following article to find out all the details.

What is a learning tower for?

A learning tower is a technical support so that children can perform certain tasks independently and safely in inaccessible places.

When we were children, our grandmothers set up a chair for us to help them bake a chocolate cake. But this was unstable and dangerous and we could never do this unsupervised.

The learning tower fulfills the same function but also ensures the safety of the children. Thanks to the design with side rails the child as often as it wants up and down without falling hazard.

In addition to stability and safety, the tower also offers autonomy to your little ones and to you. You can fully enjoy the tasks that you share with your children.

What is a learning tower and what is it for

What is the best age to start using a learning tower?

Once your child can stand, climb stairs and is strong enough to stand independently, you can start using a learning tower. In general, this happens between 16 and 18 months (Spanish link).

Initially, little ones experiment with the tower by dragging it or using it as a support element to stand on. But one day the climbing starts!

Depending on the size of the child, use can be extended to 4 or 5 years. It is important to check that the height of your child’s waist does not exceed the size of the top rail. If so, the tower is no longer a safe element to use.

The benefits of this tool

With a learning tower at home you let your child experiment, learn, and participate in the various tasks in the house. Including cooking, preparing juice, washing hands, or brushing teeth, etc.

For adults, one of the main advantages is that they can share activities with their little ones without having to wear them all the time. As the child grows, it is also possible to delegate simple and safe tasks to them so that they take on their first household responsibilities. This makes them feel involved and their self-esteem grows.

The tower is also very useful at school. It allows little ones to reach for books on shelves or put toys on higher furniture.

A Montessori element at home

A learning tower is a tool based on Montessori pedagogy, which maintains that a good teaching space is one that is physically adapted to the needs of children. The Montessori environment (English link) can be put together at school as well as at home.

Other objectives of the Montessori teaching method that can be enhanced with the use of a learning tower are the following:

  • Learning through experience
  • Respect for the developmental rhythm of each child
  • freedom of movement
  • Participation of children in their own learning
  • Choice of activities
  • Creating environments adapted to children
  • Sensory experiences
  • Promoting independence and autonomy
Kids love to help in the kitchen

Why buy a Montessori learning tower?

A Montessori learning tower is a supporting element to facilitate learning. The reasons for one to purchase are however very personal and depend on several factors which are economic, spatial and parental nature.

However, it is good to think about purchasing it if you meet one of the following conditions:

  • You like the Montessori method and its ideas.
  • It is important to you that your child functions independently, especially in the bathroom.
  • Your little one is curious and asks to see what you are doing on the counter or table.
  • Your toddler likes to climb to get to inaccessible objects and you need a safe platform to do so (and avoid tantrums).

As in the Alice in Wonderland story , your house is disproportionate to the size of the children who live in it. With a learning tower, you get around this problem while providing security, family interaction and peace of mind.

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