10 Tips To Teach Kids To Tidy Their Room

How many times have you told your kids to clean up their room? To solve this problem, this article provides some tips that are essential to teach children to clean up better.
10 tips to teach kids to tidy their room

If you’re having trouble teaching your kids to tidy their room and keep it tidy, here are some tips.

Children’s rooms tend to be small, often shared, and generally lack built-in storage. However, these rooms often contain clothing for another season and even old toys.

Children also cannot clean up when the cupboard is full, the drawers are full and the toys cover the entire surface of the floor. The solution is to organize, tidy and simplify it.

10 tips to teach kids to tidy their room

Children and messy rooms are nothing new. So here are some tips to help young children clean up their room.

1. Have a place for every item

If everything has a specific place, children will be more willing to put the objects back in their place and will be satisfied the next time they have to find a beloved toy.

2. Provide plenty of storage space

So to provide more storage space, we recommend installing built-in cabinets, drawers, storage units, hooks or baskets. They should all be at a height and position that children can easily access.

You can also label the shelves and bins to help the child know where to clear some objects. If the child can’t read yet, you can add pictures and symbols.

3. Establish a routine

10 tips to teach children to tidy their room, such as entering a routine

Setting a cleaning routine can work for your kids and for the whole family by making small changes.

Some ideas could be, for example:

  • Make the bed every morning.
  • Hang backpacks neatly when they come back from daycare.
  • Clearing out toys before grabbing anything else.

4. Use shelves

Shelves are not only excellent for storing books, but also for displaying some of the toys and works of art that the child has created.

5. Provide help when they need it

Depending on the age of the child, you may need to help the child clean up their room. With younger children, you can benefit from interpreting games or stories that promote cleanliness, while teaching them values ​​such as independence and responsibility for their belongings.

6. Do not use rewards or bribes

So to help kids be independent and keep their room tidy, do  n’t resort to bribes or rewards. Of course it works better if you are guided and encouraged during the process.

7. Show kids where to put their clothes away

Start with a pile of clothes and put the clothes where they belong. If kids don’t know how to hang clothes, now is a good time to teach them. When a stack is ready, you can move on to the next one until the room is tidy.

8. Use baking

Toy boxes and open shelves are no place to put away children’s belongings. To organize toys, the best solution is to put them in bins.

You can of course use plastic bins for smaller toys, larger bins with a lid for blocks, trucks and cars or for stuffed animals.

The advantage of baking is that it can help parents control the amount of toys that are in use at the same time. As soon as they want to play with a new toy, they have to clean up the previous toy in its container.

9. Order from bottom to top

Depending on the height of your children, we therefore recommend that you arrange from the bottom of the room to the top.

So the most commonly used toys and belongings should:

  • On the bottom shelves.
  • In the lower drawers.
  • Cleaning up on the floor.

The top levels are for less-used or even parental belongings if you share storage space with your child.

10. Join the Process

10 tips to teach children to tidy their room, including helping themselves

The last piece of advice to help kids clean up their room is to be involved in the process. Together you can come up with a clean-up method that makes sense for the children.

If they are involved in the design, then they can better understand the logic of tidying and keep their room tidy.

These simple strategies will help kids keep their room tidy while also giving you some peace of mind. Your house will be a little less cluttered.

Remember that good organization is something that children will carry with them for the rest of their lives. 

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