Your Belly During Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

Your belly will go through a lot of changes during pregnancy. To help you prepare for it, we answer some common questions.
Your belly during pregnancy: what you need to know

When women become pregnant, it is normal for their abdomen to change. Your growing belly announces to the rest of the world that you are pregnant without you having to say a single word. The shape of your abdomen can depend on whether you have had children, your height and your weight. In today’s article we tell you everything about your belly during pregnancy.

All of these factors will affect how your belly will grow. You will almost always notice the change first without clothes on. And, your partner will notice it sooner than anyone else.

To make sure we answer everything you need to know, we’re going to share everything about your belly during pregnancy. This information will help you better understand the growth process of your precious belly.

Your belly during pregnancy: what you need to know

When do I start to notice my belly during pregnancy?

Your belly will be especially noticeable from the fifth month of pregnancy. That is when the fundus of the uterus reaches the level of the navel. However, the truth is that it will very much depend on the mother. You may notice your tummy sooner or later during pregnancy depending on the following factors:

  • Your age: The older you are, the more dilated your belly will be. That way you’ll show it sooner.
  • The number of previous pregnancies: If you’ve had children, the transverse rectus muscles of the abdominal walls (those that run from the ribs to the linea alba) have collapsed. As a result, you show up earlier.
  • Pelvic type: If you have a thin or narrow pelvis, your belly may show up sooner during pregnancy.
  • Your weight: If you had a few extra pounds before you got pregnant, your belly will take longer to show itself. That’s because the extra pounds will hide the pregnancy in the beginning.

What does the shape of my belly mean during pregnancy?

Your belly can take on different shapes during pregnancy:

  • Pointing out
  • Low
  • High
  • round

The shape of your belly during pregnancy doesn’t make much sense. It simply has to do with the body type and position of the baby. Some women will have the same shaped belly every pregnancy, while others will differ with each baby.

What Happens To My Belly Button During Pregnancy?

Your belly button changes during pregnancy. Sometimes he jumps out a bit, while in other cases he burrows in and lies flat.

Even if yours starts to pop out and you don’t like the way it looks, you can pull your waistband over it. Your belly button can hurt, though, so that’s not always an option. Covering up with a waistband can help or make it worse, so do what works best for you.

Will I get stretch marks?

Almost anyone can get stretch marks. Some women will find that their skin is simply more prone to stretch marks.

Ask yourself: Did you get stretch marks during puberty? You are more likely to get stretch marks if you gain weight quickly, if you have had stretch marks before, if your family members have had them, and if you have a poor diet.

When should I buy maternity clothes?

Maternity wear is another thing that depends on several factors. For example, if you’re already wearing loose-fitting clothes, and you don’t mind them getting a little tighter, you can keep going longer without having to buy maternity clothes.

Woman looking at her pregnant belly

There are also some items you can buy that will help you expand your current wardrobe if you can’t button your pants. But in general, most moms-to-be will need to wear maternity clothes around 16-20 weeks of pregnancy.

Remember your belly during pregnancy

If you are like most women, your belly during pregnancy may surprise you. And, if you want to, there are things you can do to memorialize that belly. The two most popular options are abdominal casts or masks and taking pictures of your abdomen. This is especially popular in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Both possibilities are quite easy to perform, but belly casts are more of a snapshot of time as you can keep them. In addition, many women choose to artistically paint their stomachs and take pictures of it to keep a beautiful memory of it.


Now that you have all this information, it will be easier to understand the changes your belly goes through during pregnancy. Of course, we also encourage you to learn about what will happen to the rest of your body and how your baby will develop week after week. 

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