5 Picnic Recipes With The Kids

Going on a picnic with the kids and don’t know what to prepare for lunch? We’re sharing a few simple and nutritious recipes to help you get a good supply of energy.
5 Picnic recipes with the kids

Going on a picnic with the kids can be quite an adventure. However, it’s important to plan the food properly if you want everything to go according to plan. That’s why we show you a series of simple and nutritious recipes for a picnic with the kids.

Although the preparations are simple, you still need to make sure that they are complete. In other words, that they provide sufficient nutrients. It is best to prepare dishes that can be stored at room temperature or in minimally cold conditions, such as in a cooler bag. This way you prevent food poisoning.

Do you already have a pen and paper to write these recipes down? Then let’s get started!

1. Wrap with chicken and lamb’s lettuce

Wraps are one of the best options to eat at a picnic, not only because of their convenience but also because of their easy preparation. You just need to sauté a chicken breast with some assorted vegetables (paprika, onion, and zucchini, for example) and put it all in a fajita. For a crispy accent you can add lamb’s lettuce or bean sprouts.

This recipe provides proteins with a high biological value, which are necessary for good muscle health. This is according to research published in the Yearbooks of Nutrition & Metabolism  . Keep in mind that in growing children the basal need for these nutrients is increased.

2. Nice canapes

An egg sandwich with tomato wedges and an egg slice forming the shape of a flower.

To prepare these canapes, you need to toast a slice of sliced ​​bread. Then put a slice of cheese on top and draw something nice on it with vegetables. That can be peppers, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, cucumbers, or whatever you choose. To top it off, you can add a drop of extra virgin olive oil to give it more flavor.

3. Potato omelette

Potato omelettes are a classic of Spanish gastronomy and can be eaten cold without losing their organoleptic characteristics. But to eat them during a picnic, you have to cook them well inside, without leaving any traces of raw egg. Otherwise, the risk of food poisoning increases.

Preparing a potato omelette is easy. Peel a few potatoes and cut them into small, but irregular pieces. Then fry them in oil and beat 3 or 4 eggs in a bowl. When the potatoes are tender but not yet brown, remove them from the heat and place them in the bowl. Mix them there with the eggs and add salt.

Finally, return everything to the skillet without oil and cook for 3 or 4 minutes on each side. If you want, you can add diced onion to the preparation.

4. Meal salad for a picnic with the kids

A meal salad is characterized by the presence of a variety of vegetables and a source of high-quality proteins. To prepare it boil 3 medium potatoes and 3 eggs. When both are ready and cold, they are cut into small pieces and poured into a bowl.

In the same bowl, place 3 tomatoes, one red and two green peppers, one onion, and a few cans of tuna, all cut into small pieces. Season with salt, olive oil and vinegar and keep cold. Put it in a cooler bag a few minutes before departure and it’s ready to enjoy!

5. Healthy Ingredient Sandwich

Sandwiches cut into triangle-shaped quarters.

A sandwich doesn’t have to be synonymous with fast food. You can choose quality bread and put fresh foods on it. A good alternative that is suitable for a picnic with the children is, for example, thick sourdough bread.

Inside you can put grilled chicken breast, sliced ​​tomatoes, onion rings and some lettuce. You can also put some cheese slices on top of the warm meat and let it melt.

This way you get a dish with a high nutritional density. In addition to the chicken protein, this snack also contains a significant amount of fiber, an important substance when it comes to preventing constipation.

Prepare healthy dishes for a picnic with the kids

As you’ve read, going on a picnic with the kids doesn’t mean you have to eat badly. It is possible to prepare a healthy but simple menu that is easy to transport and keeps well in a cooler bag or at room temperature.

So you and your family can discover new places without losing sight of an optimal supply of nutrients .

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