Spanish Baby Names: The Most Popular And Their Meanings

Spanish baby names: the most popular and their meaning

In this article we share with you the most chosen Spanish baby names. These are also very common in the rest of the world.

We hope for the best when we choose a name for our baby. But most of the time, we fall in love with a particular name in an instant.

Today, it is still common for children, boys and girls, to be named after their parents. For this, parents sometimes use their own name for their baby, or a variation of it.

Many parents choose a name that is popular at the time.  That is why we often meet children with the same name at school and at children’s parties.

The names of contemporary artists, athletes or famous people are also often used to name a child.

The name we choose for our child has a special meaning for us. Ultimately, the bottom line is that everyone has their own explanation and origin  for the name they choose.

Most of the names we know have their origin in certain tribes that ruled the world long ago. There are also many biblical names or names of gods, but in general they all have to do with concepts such as the light, the sea or nature in general. 

Below are the 9 most popular Spanish baby names and what they mean. We hope this has helped you to get a clear idea when to choose a name yourself!

The most popular Spanish baby names and their meanings

Martin and Martina

This name is very common for boys and girls. It is a name of Latin origin and is related to Martinus, the god of war. Also a variation of this comes from Galacia (Spain), which is Martiña.

spanish baby names

The name Martha also comes from this and comes from the Semitic language, where ‘Mart’ means lady.


This name never goes out of style.  And although the male variants (Albano and Albino) are not often used, this is an interesting option.

Alba means ‘white’, from the Latin word ‘albus’.  A variation on this would be Aurora, which is related to the light and the illumination.  


This name has been very popular in recent years. Sofia is originally a Greek name meaning ‘wisdom’. It is a name that has been very common among the nobility for decades. 


This is a common Spanish baby name that is often  chosen by parents for boys these days. Besides, the female variant of this is Jorgelina or Georgina.

Jorge comes from the Greek name Georgos, which is related to the name of a ‘farmer’.

Daniel and Daniela

This name has its origin in Hebrew. Daniel and Daniela are very popular names not only in Spain, but also in other countries. 

Daniel means divine justice,  God is judge, justice or even ‘God is my judge’.

Claudio and Claudia

The two versions of this name have gained a lot of popularity. That is why this is a commonly used name that parents give their child. The name has Etruscan origins and was very common during the Roman Empire.

In Latin, Claudus means something like ‘to be lame’ – the most common conjugation was Claudius, a Roman ruler who limped on one leg.


This is the feminine version of the name Paul and this name is often chosen. It means ‘small’ and comes from the Latin Paulus. Variations on this are Paulina and Paola.

Baby in a basket

Alejandro and Alejandra

These names have been used by many generations to name babies. It is a conjugation of the Greek name ‘Alexandros’ which means ‘defender or protector of mankind’. 

However, for this name there are also many conjugations such as Alexandra, Alexander and Alejandrina.


In the end, we can be long or short about it, but everyone knows one or more Davids. There are Davids of all ages and they are still being born. It is one of the most popular Spanish baby names for boys. It has its origin in Hebrew and means ‘beloved or chosen by God’. 

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