Spoon Friendly Purees For Babies From 6 To 9 Months

The following purees are very easy to prepare and have a very high nutritional value for your baby. We’ll explain them step by step, and you’ll see how much your baby will enjoy them!
Spoon friendly purees for babies from 6 to 9 months

To help you plan or supplement your child’s diet, here are some spoon-friendly purees for 6-9 month old babies. We show you which foods are most suitable for this stage of their development, as well as the best cooking and presentation methods.

At this stage, we recommend introducing new foods in a gradual manner. By that we mean introducing one new type of food per week and in moderate amounts.

This way your baby can get used to the taste, smell and texture. As a result, you can effectively improve your baby’s diet.

Spoon Friendly Purees Guidelines For Babies 6-9 Months Old

Spoon Friendly Purees Guidelines For Babies 6-9 Months Old

Patience is a virtue when it comes to encouraging your baby to eat. However, it is also important to implement other measures and guidelines to achieve this goal. The main guidelines are as follows:

  • Use good quality fresh food.
  • Handle food in the most hygienic way possible.
  • Avoid too many spices and do not add sugar.
  • Avoid combining more than 2-3 foods as this can be too much of a shock to the baby’s taste and make it difficult for the body to digest.
  • Never give too hot or cold food. Serve them warm so your baby is more likely to eat them.
  • When it comes to cooking meat, steaming and baking are preferred. This will help your baby digest them and will also reduce the excess fat. Another advantage is that it retains most of the nutrients.
  • Use plastic or silicone spoons to avoid irritating the baby’s gums from the contact.
  • Watch out for possible side effects when eating certain foods.
  • You can accompany the stock, puree and cream soups with a piece of bread, but you need to cut it into pieces so that your baby can chew it without any problem.

The most suitable food

With regard to the most suitable foods for mashing at this stage, we recommend that you choose vegetables such as:

  • Roots
  • pumpkins
  • Zucchini
  • potatoes

In addition, good options are:

  • Fortified baby cereals
  • Oats
  • Whole-weat pasta
  • White rice 

In the case of fruit puree, the most suitable fruits include:

  • pears
  • apples
  • bananas
  • peaches
  • mangoes

Following are some vegetable and fruit purees for your little one to enjoy.

Spoon Friendly Purees for 6-9 Month Old Babies

1. Mango and banana puree

plate of mango and a banana


  • 1 banana
  • 1 small mango


  • First, remove the peel from the banana and mango.
  • Then cut the fruit into large pieces and place them in the blender or food processor.
  • Then mix until you get a more or less thick consistency, with very few lumps.
  • A possible variation of this recipe would be to replace the banana with white rice.

2. Pumpkin puree

Pumpkins are one of the most nutritious and fiber-rich vegetables for 6 to 9 month old babies. They can be baked in the oven or steamed. Then don’t forget to make sure they are nice and soft.

Remember that in spoon friendly purees for babies 6-9 months old, you need to remove seeds and large lumps that could be dangerous for your baby or hinder his digestion.


  • 1 small pumpkin
  • Water


  • First cut the pumpkin in half or into several pieces. This way you can remove the seeds with a spoon and then cook them in a pan until they soften.
  • When they are cooked, you have to put them in the blender. The density of the puree depends on the amount of water added.

3. Chicken stock

bowl of creamy chicken soup

Unlike puree, broth has a much softer consistency. And because chicken is the ideal meat to introduce into a baby’s diet in the first few months of life, the best stock you can prepare is chicken stock.

The protein content will greatly improve the baby’s development and strengthen his immune system.


  • 3 chicken breasts, boneless
  • 2 cups low sodium chicken stock


  • First bring the water to a boil.
  • Place the chicken in the pan, then add the stock until the chicken is completely covered.
  • Then cook it over medium heat for 20 minutes. You have to be careful not to let the stock boil dry, so that the chicken pieces don’t dry out.
  • Once cooked, the chicken pieces should be cut into very small pieces and then processed in the blender along with the stock until you get a good puree.

Spoon friendly purees for babies from 6 to 9 months old are very easy to prepare and have a very high nutritional content. Therefore, it is a good idea to include them in their diet at this stage of their development.

One last thing to keep in mind is that although they may seem rather unappetising due to their low salt content, you should not add any spices at this stage. 

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