The Best Foods For Your Child

We all want our children to grow up healthy. That is why it is important that we provide good foods to promote their health.
The best foods for your child

Your child’s health is of course extremely important, so make sure he eats the best foods. A healthy diet with the right amount of calories, nutrients and vitamins is crucial for your child’s development.

That is why it is important to include healthy foods in your child’s diet every day. At the same time, this helps to teach him the right eating habits for the rest of his life. If your child learns to eat well at a young age, he will be healthier when he is an adult.

With this in mind, here’s a list of healthy foods for kids that will help you improve your child’s diet.

The best foods for your child’s health


Avocados provide multiple health benefits for our children.

  • They are high in monounsaturated fats, also known as “good fats”. These fats help to reduce harmful cholesterol.
  • Avocados also help stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • They are also rich in vitamin E and vitamin D.

Babies can start eating avocado from the age of six months.


Blueberries are another important part of a healthy diet for children. This fruit is a powerful source of energy. Children from about eight months old can already digest them well when they are processed in juices and compotes.

  • Blueberries are rich in fiber, flavonoids and potassium.
  • They have an antioxidant effect.
  • Blueberries also provide protection against urinary tract infections.


This is one of the best foods you can feed your child. Oatmeal can be prepared in many different ways and is a very healthy food. It is not only rich in fiber but also contains carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Nutritionists recommend that children eat oats and oatmeal from about a year old.


This fish is rich in healthy fats (including omega-3).

  • Salmon can help lower cholesterol.
  • It can help promote good blood flow.
  • In addition, salmon is great for the brain and nervous system.
The best foods for your child

Other musts for a healthy diet


Getting kids to eat spinach can be difficult. That is why it is ideal to get your child used to the taste of this healthy vegetable at a very young age.

  • Spinach contains fiber, folate, iron and vitamins A and C.
  • It strengthens the bones.
  • Spinach also helps promote brain development.
  • It also nourishes the growing muscles.
  • Spinach also helps to protect the skin and prevent eye diseases.

Sweet potato

It is important to cook sweet potatoes well because otherwise they can be difficult to digest. Sweet potato is  a natural source of potassium. It is also rich in vitamin A and antioxidants.


Yogurt is an important source of calcium, which helps bones grow. It also contains protein and lactic acid and good bacteria for a healthy intestinal flora.

The best foods for your child

Is chocolate bad for children?

Of course, it can be very difficult to keep children away from sweets and chocolates. Almost all children simply love sweets and sweets. And it is sometimes not easy to keep sweets within limits.

Although not many people know about it, chocolate has many benefits for children and so can be included in a healthy diet. Here are a few of those pluses:

  1. Chocolate provides carbohydrates, fiber, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins B2 and B12.
  2. Cocoa is a stimulant, keeping children awake and alert. This can help to maintain focus at school.
  3. Chocolate is rich in energy and helps strengthen muscles and bones.
  4. It has antioxidant properties. This means that it helps protect the child from heart disease later in life.
  5. Eating chocolate has been proven to increase the production of serotonin, which improves our mood and prevents stress.

Studies show that chocolate does not make you fat

Recent studies have been carried out by researchers from the Faculty of Medicine and Sports Science of the University of Granada (UGR). These studies have shown that people who consume more chocolate have lower total levels of body fat.

The study was conducted with a sample of 1,458 teens, ages 12 to 17 years old. They were asked to write down everything they ate over a 24-hour period. Based on this information, the scientists determined that the participants who ate more chocolate had less body fat.

The results were independent of physical activity, gender, age, total calorie intake, consumption of saturated fats, fruits and vegetables, and tea and coffee.

Finding the right balance in our children’s diets is difficult, but crucial. After all, a nutritious diet helps them to become healthy adults in the future. 

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