Countering Laziness In Children With The Kaizen Method

Preventing laziness in children with the Kaizen method

We tend to be more tolerant of laziness in children than we are in adults. But there comes a time when we worry about the lack of action in children, especially teenagers. Today we are therefore talking about the Kaizen method, a Japanese method to develop a better work mentality in children.

Laziness in children gets in the way of doing household chores, cleaning the room, or even doing homework. Children can even be lazy about the activities they should enjoy. They often lack motivation or procrastinate on things they should do without thinking.

Why are children lazy? How can we help them turn that laziness into energy? The Kaizen method is a Japanese technique that is both effective and can be used in multiple situations.

How does the Kaizen method work to combat laziness in children?

The Kaizen method of performing tasks

We have already seen how lazy children act. They take a long time with daily activities, math problems, or a simple favor for their mother. They are also too lazy to wake up early or brush their teeth, let alone put away their toys. For all these situations we have a ‘one minute’ rule and below we explain how this works.

The Kaizen method, or the ‘one minute rule’ works in a positive way. In Japanese, the name of the technique means the wisdom to change. It is considered a very effective method to overcome lethargy and laziness in children.  In general, the goal is for us to finish things and be determined when we are working on a particular task.

The method is also effective for both children and adults. So it can also help ourselves to improve if necessary. The process to achieve this is as follows.

The method

  • With steadfastness and dedication , we schedule a daily task to be performed at the same time each day. We set a stopwatch to 1 minute and make time to achieve a goal. Since he only has a minute, a child cannot complain about the requested activity. The ticking of the clock uses time to motivate and rush it.
  • Remember that the scheduled task should be the same every day, at the same time. This means that if it is difficult for the child to put away his toys, this will be on his schedule every day. For a minute, he will focus on cleaning up his mess.
  • It’s important to stay firm, and stick with your child when he completes the task. Also don’t forget to really set the clock to one minute. This is the time he has to finish the task and make sure he does the task punctually.

Mastering the Kaizen method

  • The Kaizen method is effective with a child because he will internalize it and see it as a game. It’s fun to race against the clock and finish within the expected time. We don’t ask for much, just that he dedicate 60 seconds to a task.
  • In the case of homework, the one-minute rule is applied in steps. One minute for this problem, one to read this piece, one more to color this card. Timing each task improves concentration and allows you to reduce the time you spend on work.
  • When your child is used to this, he will do it without being pressured. Time won’t even matter anymore and it will do it automatically. Once you notice an improvement, you can increase the time to 5 minutes and then to 10 minutes. Soon it will become a habit and your child will no longer be driven by laziness.

Origin of the Kaizen method

The origin of the Kaizen method

Japanese man Masaaki Imai designed this technique keeping in mind the reasons why we are lazy. Although it is also true for adults, children will avoid complicated tasks from the start. They also become lazy when they know that the activity they have to do can take a long time.

Lack of motivation and thinking that they are incapable of successfully completing the activity also contributes to their backlog in their work. Sometimes the lack of consequences is the main reason why their laziness exists. We have to be strict about making sure they do something. If nothing happens if they don’t do their job, kids will always find a way out.

Masaaki Imai believes that the process of gradual adjustment creates deeply entrenched habits. As the name of the method suggests, the idea is to gain inner knowledge in order to be able to change. At the same time, change doesn’t have to take a lot of effort to stay motivated and flexible. 

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