When You Become An Aunt For The First Time

When you become an aunt for the first time, you are always excited to teach your nephew or niece new things. You want to take pictures of every milestone and prepare delicious desserts or snacks to share with them.
When you become an aunt for the first time

In general, someone who is not a mother and receives the wonderful news that she is becoming an aunt for the first time will feel incredible and indescribable. Regardless of the circumstances, the moment and even the age, the arrival of a niece or nephew is something very special.

The little one that comes into the world will undoubtedly be the joy of the house. He or she will also be the protagonist in a lot of mischief that the new aunt is sure to be a part of.


An aunt is like a second mother to this new creature and you will be excitedly waiting for him or her to call you aunt for the first time.

You will always be there to take advantage of that privileged moment to put them to sleep and tell the same story a hundred times. In the meantime, make discreet but essential comments that will be formative for them.

Together you can watch a TV show or cartoon to provide commentary and opinions. Thus you teach him to think and emphasize values ​​that will be useful in his long journey of life.

Just because you love your nephew dearly doesn’t mean you’re lacking discipline and respect. You should always contribute to their personal development and lead by example.

5 golden rules to follow when you become an aunt for the first time

Sometimes, for the simple fact that you are not the mother, you may not take your nephew’s or niece’s upbringing seriously. This is in fact a mistake.

Here are five golden rules for being the best aunt you can be:

1. Be a great aunt, not a friend

When the parents are not around, the role of an aunt comes into action. The child needs guidance, not a buddy.

Nowadays it is very common for an aunt to confide her worries and problems to a nephew. Being an aunt for the first time means setting boundaries and setting standards just like parents should.

2. Raise your nephew or niece from an early age

As an aunt, one of your duties is to teach your nieces and nephews from an early age to help with household chores.  You also need to support the parents so that children understand that they have to follow rules.

On the other hand, you should not condone bad behavior. When the child finds support in you for his mistakes, he will take control of the situation and therefore disobey his parents.

3. Spend quality time with your niece or nephew

Often the aunt does not live in the same house as her nephew. She may also not be able to spend as much time with him as she would like because of work or other commitments.

Therefore, when they are together, they should take advantage of this time and devote it to quality time. A short time is enough to play, exercise, sit down and talk or take a walk for a few hours.

Your niece or nephew will surely appreciate that time together . No matter how short it is, he or she will always remember those beautiful moments.

4. Always speak the truth, even when it is difficult

There is no doubt that true self-esteem comes from successfully meeting challenges. That’s why you shouldn’t overprotect your nephew. This prevents him from developing skills to solve problems.

At the right time, you have to praise him for real achievements. If for some reason your nephew doesn’t achieve his goal, don’t let him think he’s worthless. You shouldn’t treat him like a champion either. Help him learn from his defeats.

Being an aunt for the first time

5. Always pay attention to the problems they get

It is not a myth that an unsupervised child will be a serious problem any time soon. That’s why it’s not your job as an aunt to give your nephew or niece a free hand, no matter how old they are.

This supervision should be done without the child feeling overwhelmed. This will keep him from being himself. You are then no longer the sweet aunt who accompanies him, but a person he cannot trust.

Becoming an aunt for the first time is a blessing. Your nephew or niece sees you as a second mother with whom he or she will share good moments and other less fun moments.

Use your influence to convey valuable life lessons and principles. Give all your love too, because you will get a lot more in return. 

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