How Can You Treat And Avoid Pinworms In Children?

Little ones can be very easily infected with the pinworm. Therefore, parents should take these necessary steps to avoid pinworms in children.

In this article, we’ll talk about everything you need to know about this condition.

The pinworm is a common disease that usually occurs during childhood and is very unpleasant.

This parasitic intestinal infection is also known as “worms”. The official name is Enterobius vermicularis or oxyurus.

A child can be infected by inhaling or ingesting protozoan cysts, eggs or larvae. Although this is an unpleasant disease, it poses no serious health risks.

How does a child get the pinworm?

It is quite normal for a child to get worms while growing up as they are prone to infections. 

After an egg enters the mouth, it passes through the digestive organs. They remain in the small intestine while the larvae proceed to the large intestine.

After a few weeks , the female worms come back out and leave the body at night to lay eggs.

By means of a special secretion , the eggs stick to the edge of the anus and the skin around it. 

A child can infect himself again and again by scratching and then putting the hands back in the mouth.

This infection usually lasts 1 to 2 months. Worms are easy to spot in a child’s stool, as they are around 10 millimeters long.

They are usually white and have an elongated shape.

Symptoms of Pinus Maggots in Children

Pediatricians use the Graham test to see if a child is infected. The main symptoms of this infection are pain and itching around the anal or genital area. 

These discomforts usually occur during the night, when the worms come out of the anus.

An infected child may show the following symptoms:

  • Irritability
  • Trouble sleeping
  • teeth grinding
  • Constant nightmares
  • Sleepwalking (in some cases)

How to avoid pinworms in children

Because you can easily be infected by the pinworm, it is important that parents take certain actions to significantly reduce the chance of reproduction.

By taking these simple actions, you can avoid infection of your child. If your child has had worms in the past, you can keep them from coming back.

  • It is important to wash your hands well. This is especially important before eating and after going to the bathroom or changing a diaper. This should become a daily habit.
  • Clean your nails with a brush.
  • Keep your kids’ nails short. This will keep them from hurting themselves while scratching. This also avoids the accumulation of eggs under the nails.
  • Don’t bite your nails.
  • It is important to keep the diaper area in babies clean.
  • Put on clean underwear with them every day.
  • After the pinworm has been diagnosed by the pediatrician , you should wash the child’s clothes and bedding with hot water. You can also disinfect the toilets at home.
  • Do not allow your baby to play in areas of the park where dogs may have been. 

How do you treat pinworms?

There are effective treatments that can be used to combat these nasty worms.

Although they are not difficult to treat, infections can come back if the treatment is not done correctly. 

The baby’s pediatrician can prescribe antibiotics that eliminate the pinworms after just one dose. 

However, there is no medication that eliminates eggs that have already been laid.

That’s why children can be re-infected and infect other people in the house.

The medication should be taken again two weeks after the first treatment so that the child is not re-infected.

When a child is infected, everyone in the house must be treated.

We have to pay extra attention to how the baby is feeling. 

If they show symptoms of intestinal infections, you should go to the doctor and follow the prescribed instructions. 

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