7 Surprising Facts About Pregnancy

7 surprising facts about pregnancy

Every pregnancy is different, but they all have something in common. Despite being a normal part of life, every pregnancy is fascinating and mysterious. This period is surrounded by many myths. It can be difficult to separate the facts about pregnancy from the fiction.

Even though many people think they know everything, much of what is commonly believed is wrong. Many facts about pregnancy will surprise us. Some are more famous than others. And there is always something new to learn.

The information we have about the process of pregnancy is mixed. Some come from folk beliefs and some from scientific studies. Of course you have to know what you believe.

You may have already been pregnant without anything strange happening. But that doesn’t mean the problem doesn’t exist. For example, some women can produce and express milk long before giving birth. There are things that are rare but absolutely possible and scientifically proven.

Pregnancy Facts

While some of these surprising facts about pregnancy are unusual and bizarre, there are also facts that you can imagine, even if you’ve never heard of them. For example, the fact that stress in the mother is able to influence the behavior of the baby.

But there are also facts that are hard to believe unless they happened to you. So let’s take a look at seven surprising facts about pregnancy.

Surprising facts about pregnancy

  • Binge eating and nausea can be caused by the development of a woman’s sense of smell during pregnancy. Research shows that a woman’s sense of smell becomes much more sensitive during this time. Many pregnant women can become quite annoyed or fascinated by a certain smell, even if it is not very strong.
  • One of the most striking physical features of a pregnant woman (besides her belly) is her hair. Now is the best time to show off healthy, shiny locks. This is due to hormonal stimulation. Unfortunately, this can change drastically after birth. And not all women experience this either: there are also many cases of hair loss during pregnancy.
  • Even if your baby is not yet born, they can already do many different things. For example, there is evidence that they can hiccup, yawn, suck their thumbs, turn around and even dream. What do you think your baby dreams about in the womb?


Surprising facts about pregnancy

Did you also know that…?

  • Can women still have contractions after childbirth?  They may come while she is holding the baby, and may come occasionally for several days. This is due to a reflex of the human body. The place where you had pain still contracts.
  • Could your morning sickness be a sign of your baby’s gender? Some studies suggest that being pregnant with a girl may cause more nausea than if the baby is a boy.
  • A woman’s feet can grow during pregnancy. This is due to the action of the hormone relaxin, which helps to stretch the uterine cavity and birth canal during labour. According to studies, at least seven in ten women experience this, because the hormones also affect the ligaments of your feet.
  • Is the baby’s heart one of the first organs to develop?  From the first few weeks, you can hear their heartbeat when you have a scan. This is a significant time of pregnancy and occurs about six weeks after conception. In addition to the excitement for the parents, listening to the fetal heartbeat also helps to let the specialist know that all is well with the baby. 

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