Your Kids Are Growing Up And You Will Miss All This!

When you have young children, you often feel like the days go on and on. But the truth is, the years will fly by and you will start to miss all the time you spend with your kids now as your kids get older.
Your kids are growing up and you will miss all this!

As you get older, you realize that your days are going to look a little different. Time starts moving at different speeds. It’s true that some days can feel like they’re dragging on. But the reality is that the years just fly by. Children are exhausting and exhausting, but they also give us the life and energy to take on anything that comes our way. And when the kids are grown, life will change again.

We will not always feel in our lives that we are always running to keep up and that we are always falling behind. Parenting won’t always be this chaotic!

We won’t always have piles of laundry to clean. We also won’t always have to use our weekends to clean up the whole house. Without a chance to rest, because due to all the responsibilities we hardly had time during the week.

When your kids are grown

There comes a time in your life when your children start growing up. They no longer wake you up at two in the morning, desperate for your help or comfort. And the time will come when you don’t have to hold your baby for hours because they have cramps and need your soothing voice and caress.

A girl who crawls.

You also don’t have to rush to hold your child so that they don’t fall down the stairs as they learn to go up and down. These times are passing faster than you could ever imagine!

You won’t always lose your train of thought and completely forget what you were going to say! Nor are you always asked why helicopters sound different from airplanes, whether they can go to the park, listen to music and dance, all the while looking around and wondering how on earth there are so many clothes to store. .

You also won’t always be spending your dinner time asking your kids to please have another spoon (yes, trust us!) nor will you always have to help them take a bath and then all the towels and toys pick up what they left in the tub.

Life will change

Life will change as the kids get older. You will no longer feel so tired that you don’t even know what time it is, or even what day it is. Also, you don’t always wake up exhausted in the morning because the kids woke you up several times during the night and you have to get up early for work.

You won’t always feel like you don’t have a lot of energy left to spend with your partner at the end of a long day. Why? Because your patience is not tested so intensely every day. It won’t always be the way it is now.

One day your children will grow up and need you less. They will spend less time with you and you will feel sad. They will want to spend more time with their friends to play sports and discover life. And the fact is that they will feel that you will always be there for them when they need you. That will give them the power to fly. And you will miss them…

Right now you have everything you need

Maybe you’ll finally have more time to keep the house clean and meet up with your friends. You have all of that, and maybe you’re already looking forward to it. But when the time comes, you miss your kids. Those kids who call you in the middle of the night and  ask for a glass of water. Or shake your hand before they cross the street.

A girl with soft toy.

Right now you have everything you need to be happy. Now you have the wonder of life itself in your home and all the joy it brings. You have happiness at your fingertips. So instead of thinking that the days are going too slowly, it’s better to think about how lucky you are to have the life you have. The happiness of having your children embrace you every day of your life.

When the kids are grown, you miss…

You miss Sunday family movie sessions while your kids watch them in your arms. You will miss them wanting to crawl into bed with you. Also, you will miss their fights and laughter. And yes, you will miss the impromptu living room dances and the recipes that went wrong, knowing that all of this helped you spend quality time together as a family.

The hugs before bed and just after waking up were your daily energy. When your kids grow up, you’re really going to miss this. You’ll also enjoy looking back at weekend trips and reading stories before putting your kids to bed.

It is time to laugh at the daily frustrations and enjoy life with your kids! Enjoy their kisses and hugs now, and don’t forget to tell them how much you love them. Why? Because they are the driving force of your life.

But to really get them ready to live their lives, you have to care for their youth as if it were the most precious treasure you have… and of course it is.

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