How Do You Stimulate Your Child’s Visual Development?

Hiding your baby’s favorite toys while playing is a great way to contribute to your child’s visual development. If you have part of the toy in plain sight, your baby will be able to find it.

For little babies, everything is a new discovery. Stimulating your baby’s visual development is a good way  to open his eyes to a life full of experiences and excitement.

Smell and touch are the most developed senses in newborns. His vision, on the other hand, is limited. Your child can perceive the world around him, but he has trouble focusing on a particular point in his field of vision.

Up to two years old, stimulating your baby’s visual development is an exciting challenge. Colors will help a lot with this.

Your child is only just beginning to discover the world outside your womb. Stimulating his vision at a young age makes it easier for him to discover the world. The younger your child is, the higher the chance of rapid progress.

A baby’s visual perception begins to grow when he can tell apart different shapes. This is essential when he goes to school. Parents should encourage a child to be able to recognize objects and everyday situations at a rapid pace.

The first and best stimulation for your child is his mother’s face. A baby is never tired of exchanging looks with its mother.

Sit about 30 cm away from your child. For the first months of his life, he will be able to focus on your face from this distance.

Also, he will enjoy the crazy and sweet things you say to him while looking into his eyes. This simple activity is a very enjoyable experience for little babies and will motivate him to always watch his mommy.

Ways to boost your baby’s visual development

Voices, looks and the bond between mother and child

A newborn connects his mother’s face to her voice, touch, her safe caress and the satisfaction of his hunger.

Experts recommend maintaining eye contact with your baby while feeding, bathing and playing. When a baby looks at its mother and touches her, the emotional bond is strengthened.

Baby rattles that are red or contrasting colors are useful for stimulating your 3 month old baby. They will grab your child’s attention and help him make a connection between vision and sound. 

You can also motivate your child by having him search for the origin of a sound. When you shake and move a rattle, your little one will follow it with its eyes.

At this age, babies have a preference for objects of different sizes and with eye-catching designs.

You can also stimulate your baby’s visual development with light that he will try to follow. This light will also cause your child’s pupils to adjust and indicate that everything is okay.

It is very important that you let your child stare at his hands so that he can discover how they move. After that, he will quickly try to grasp objects and become aware of his own body. This is the beginning of hand-eye coordination.

Toys and stuffed animals

While talking to your baby, move with a hug in both hands, switching from one hand to the other. The plush toy that moves will draw your baby’s attention. 

This also stimulates your baby’s visual development and he learns what conversations are.

Another great way to stimulate your baby’s visual development is to give him colored fruits that he can grasp with his fingers. His hand-eye coordination will improve when he brings the food to his mouth. This improves the cohesion of the 5 senses.

Photos and other activities

Showing family photos to your baby is a good visual exercise. After 8 months, your little one can not only recognize faces, but also remember the faces of the people he loves.

It is very beneficial to take your child to the park or the beach so that he can see different landscapes. You can also show him specific objects such as leaves, stones, cars or animals.

This improves your child’s visual capacity. Talking to your child about what he sees will train other skills as well.

Little by little your baby will recognize objects and be able to tell them apart. He will search for it with his eyes and become aware of the world around him.

He will focus on smaller things and see depth. He will also learn to follow fast moving objects.

As you continue to stimulate your baby’s visual development, he will begin to see the difference between distant and near objects. 

All this knowledge helps your little one to deal with new situations. Another success in the beautiful experience of learning to live. 

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