The Mozart Effect: A Myth Or A Fact?

Did you always think that listening to classical music could increase your child’s intelligence? Then be sure to read on.
The Mozart effect: a myth or a fact?

The Mozart effect is the theory that the music composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has a range of benefits for the well-being of people and babies.

Contrary to popular belief, however , the Mozart effect does not contribute to children’s intelligence.

However, the Mozart effect is just a myth:  it does not affect the minds of our little ones.

However, we do want you to know about the other benefits for your baby of listening to the music of this Austrian composer and pianist.

Why Mozart’s music?

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  was an extremely talented kid. He started writing music when he was only 5 years old. He was a passionate artist, especially on the violin and keyboard related instruments.

In his short but fruitful life (1756-1791), this musical genius created over 600 highly regarded pieces.

Years of scientific research tried to add additional qualities to this composer’s creations. These went beyond just the musical value. In this way, the Mozart effect was born as a ‘scientific’ theory, which was supported by countless scientists.

The Mozart effect as a stimulation for babies

An accumulation of expert opinions, research and speculation began in 1991 following the publication of a book. It was eventually concluded that his music is unique in the number of notes per minute, high frequency and a number of other specifications.

So it is vital to make clear that Mozart’s music generates a range of beneficial stimuli for the emotional development of babies.

The Mozart effect as a stimulation for babies

Mozart’s pieces provide therapeutic benefits in the first few months and years of life. It mainly concerns some of his creations such as the popular K488 (Sonata for two pianos in D major)

Listening to Mozart activates different areas of the brain, stimulates encouragement, joy, positivity and awakens musical tastes from an early age.


More than just going ‘viral’, the Mozart effect also became a major deception. It was protected by the idea that something as sublime as music could affect children’s intelligence or IQ.

Perhaps this was perpetuated by the unstoppable need people have to turn every new idea into a commodity. The Mozart effect was spread through the gossip circuit and Mozart’s music entered so many homes.

The Mozart effect – myth or fact?

The idea that the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart or any other composer increases intelligence and concentration, or activates areas of the brain responsible for motor coordination, or that it facilitates infant learning is simply not true.

Is the Mozart effect a myth or a fact

If you would like to have an intelligent, healthy and happy baby, strengthen the relationship between you. Talk to him, sing to him, participate in his games.

We also recommend that you take it for a walk. In this way he can discover the world around him. Give him new objects and toys with bright colors all the time.

Read stories, make up stories and show him through touch and kisses that you love him.

However, to enhance the above benefits, let your baby listen to Mozart’s pieces while he sleeps. Do this at a low, relaxing volume.

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