What Are The Most Common First Words?

Do you remember your baby’s first words? Find out if your baby’s first words are among the most common first words!
What are the most common first words?

Starting to talk is one of the biggest milestones in a baby’s development. It is therefore a moment that fathers and mothers look forward to. Most of them even remember their baby’s first words.

In general, babies say their first words when they are between 11 and 18 months old, sometimes even earlier. But every child is different and learns at his or her own pace. While not all babies have the same first words, there are some common words that are often said first.

In the following article, we will tell you what are common first words of babies when they first try to talk.

The first words mark a new point in the life of a child, but also that of a father and mother. From this moment on, the possibilities of communication multiply.

A baby with a cellphone

What are a baby’s most common first words?

The first words children say are related to their immediate environment, especially their experiences within the family.

The words most often repeated by adults, especially parents or caregivers, are usually the first words in a baby’s vocabulary.

In general, all fathers and mothers communicate in the same way with their babies in the first months of his or her life. That’s why there are a few words that babies often say first. Below is a list of the most common words.

Words related to relatives

Many children’s first words are “daddy” or “mama”. In addition to being so easy to pronounce, because they are formed by a repetition of two equal syllables, they are words used to denote relatives with whom babies often come into contact.

Confirmations or denials

“Yes” and “no” are two words that babies hear most often from birth. Whether through gestures or words, babies will quickly learn to express positive and negative responses. These are the ideal first words for many babies.

First words related to food

One of the basic needs of a person is food. So it’s not surprising that some babies choose to say the name of food or something related to food as the first word. These words are for example “milk” or “bottle”, or something similar.

It is also common for children to use helpful expressions to indicate that they want food. This is for example “give me”, “I want”, “more”, etc.


Greetings are a sign of politeness. It is a social norm that is passed down from generation to generation. Because of this, many babies who are used to greeting others try to say “hello” or “bye” first.

Sound imitations

In some cases, a baby’s first word is not a dictionary word, but an onomatopoeia used to express something. For example, this is “woof” for a dog and “meow” for a cat.

father and child

Encouraging your baby’s first words

The natural context in which your children grow up is the family, where they learn to develop their skills. That is why it is essential that family life is as enriching and stimulating as possible.

So, what can you do to encourage your child to say their first words? First, it is important that fathers and mothers ensure constant verbal communication with their baby from birth .

As the child grows older, this communication should become increasingly clear and comprehensive. Be sure to speak in an expressive manner and maintain plenty of eye contact.

After speaking this way for a while, hoping that your child will say his first words, one day when you least expect it, you will hear your child’s first words. It’s an unforgettable moment that you probably won’t forget for the rest of your life !

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