A Mother’s Workday

A mother's day at work

A mother’s workday can be long and tiring. A recent study has shown that a woman who works full-time can perform duties equivalent to the father’s two working days. 

When comparing different occupations and salaries, people often assume the activities performed during a working day. 

However, this can get complicated when it comes to a mother’s workday, who often takes on the extra work of the household as well.

Today, women tend to combine home and outdoor work. As a result, they take on several tasks every day. They also include mothers who have full-time jobs.

In this way  , a mother’s work seems endless. It starts early in the morning and ends late in the evening.

Although it is a difficult subject to check and verify, the Collective Labor Agreement and the Organic Law in Spain in 3/2007 established that a mother ‘s working day is equivalent to two father’s working days. 

What does this mean and does it apply in every case? 

The rights of a working mother 

Spanish legislation has introduced some benefits regarding help for working mothers, when they also take care of the children outside of it.

1.  Parental leave 

Parental leave in Spain generally lasts up to 16 weeks after childbirth.  This period can be extended in the following cases:

  • Two extra weeks for twins.
  • Four extra weeks for triplets.
  • Two extra weeks if the baby is born disabled or has health problems.

In addition  , working mothers must declare and justify when they take leave during the pregnancy. Women are allowed to take leave in the following situations:

  • Prenatal examination.
  • Preparation for childbirth.
  • Discomfort or illness.

2. Reduction of working hours 

Mothers are given the opportunity to adjust their working days to their liking until their child reaches the age of 12.  The reduction in working hours does lead to a reduction in salary.

A mother's day at work: feeding the baby while working

3.  Unpaid leave

In cases where the mother has to take care of her child personally, this  is allowed for up to a period of 3 years.  In this way she is assured of her contract hours in the future and she remains insured for medical expenses.

After the first year, the mother has the right to resume her work at the same professional level or a comparable level. She has the right to return to her workplace without additional procedures.

4 . Dismissal

It is important to be aware of the possibility of unemployment. There is a chance that a woman will be fired.

In these cases, the mother will receive unemployment benefits, which will be extended by four months.

5.  Breastfeeding and Work

The mother is given the opportunity to breastfeed for an hour during the working day without a salary reduction.  This rule applies to the first nine months of the baby’s life.

They also have the right to shorten their working day by 1 hour.

Determining how much a mother’s workday is worth

A 2015 US assessment found that mothers should receive an annual salary of $65,300.  This is equivalent to 2.5 salary of the average worker in the United States.

With this in mind , an average mom would make about  $1,735 a week.  This study also took into account the costs of food, gardening and home furnishings.  

A mother's day at work: cleaning the house

Help for working mothers

For the first time now,  a working mother in Spain receives help, which amounts to 100 euros per month. This can be withdrawn once (1200 euros) or paid out monthly.

Ultimately, this reimbursement can continue until the child is three years old.  The money is paid out by social insurance.

Mothers are also entitled to this money in the case of adoption or foster children. 

As we see, a mother’s workday is filled with various responsibilities, split between their work and their family.

Fortunately, there are cultural and legal benefits that recognize the intensity of their workdays.  But there is still more work to be done. 

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