A Safe Pregnancy After Your Thirties, How?

A safe pregnancy after your thirties, how?

When we talk about a safe pregnancy after your thirties, we should also be talking about female fertility. Much has been said about how difficult it is to conceive a child at this age. 

But did you know that many of those statistics are quoted from studies that are clearly outdated?

Although with the passage of time both the female and male bodies begin to function differently, the issue of fertility does not vary as drastically as one might think.

Decades ago, it was said that women in their thirties took a long time to conceive. However, current figures indicate that most women can conceive in less than a year.

A safe pregnancy after your thirties: prenatal care

  • Choose a doctor you feel comfortable with and who has had previous experience with women in the same situation. Communication between doctor and patient is fundamental to a successful process.
  • If you or your partner normally smoke, it’s time to quit. Nicotine negatively affects the body and one of the aspects that is affected by it is fertility. Smoking increases the risk of spontaneous miscarriages and premature births. It is also associated with birth defects and low birth weight in the baby.
  • Being overweight is another aspect that needs to be addressed for a safe pregnancy. Obesity and eating disorders hinder the process of conception. During pregnancy, the extra weight can cause major inconveniences for your health and that of your baby.
A good diet when you are pregnant after your thirties
  • Ask the doctor treating you to recommend a complete physical examination. It’s important that you work to prevent and treat conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes. If this needs treatment, your doctor will recommend medicines that won’t interfere with the pregnancy.
  • Share family medical history with your doctor. With this preventive measure, you can detect unwanted genetic disorders and immediately counteract them. If there has been a transferable health condition in your family, now is the time to identify it.

During the pregnancy

  • Keep a detailed record of all medical appointments related to prenatal care and checkups.
  • Once you’ve decided to get pregnant, stop all harmful habits that can affect your health. It is also very important that you start eating right. A good diet ensures that your body is in the best condition to take care of the baby during pregnancy.
  • A general recommendation from doctors is to take good prenatal vitamins. It is also highly recommended to take folic acid.
  • Avoid self-medication. Consult your doctor before taking any painkillers or over-the-counter medicines.
Exercise during pregnancy after your thirties
  • A good exercise routine will give you the muscle strength and resistance to adapt to the changes your body will undergo. Physical exertion also helps to:
    • to reduce pain
    • improve blood circulation
    • to restore your body after pregnancy.
      It is a great tool for achieving a safe pregnancy after your thirties.
  • Get plenty of rest, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. Take a nap, spend time on your hobbies, take breaks from your daily routine, etc. Breathing techniques, yoga, stretching and massages are good for keeping the body supple.
  • Reduce caffeine consumption. Caffeine has no nutritional value and can prevent the body from absorbing iron properly. In addition, the energizing effect often makes it difficult to fall asleep at night.

You can rest assured

If you’ve decided to become a mother after your thirties, you can rest easy. While there are factors related to your body that you need to take care of , it is possible to have a safe pregnancy after your thirties.

In fact, there are many benefits related to late motherhood for both mothers and babies.

Age is no less important than you think. What really makes the difference is that you follow a process for responsible conception and pregnancy. 

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