Anger In Children: What Can You Do As A Parent?

Anger in children: what can you do as a parent?

Anger in children is very common. Sometimes they throw tantrums and start hitting and kicking.

Anger can become destructive if left unchecked. That is why it is important that you can teach your child to deal with this emotion in a healthy way.

Anger is an emotion often seen in children between the ages of 2 and 4.

Children are frustrated by situations they perceive as unfair or unpleasant.

Many parents are not sure how to deal with this problem. How can you as an adult take this situation into your own hands?

What is anger in children and how does it manifest itself?

It is difficult for a child to deal with anger. It is a very unpleasant feeling that arises when a certain situation is disturbing.

Children can express their anger in a physical way by tensing their muscles. This will raise blood pressure.

There are other visible signs of anger. Just think of sweating, reddened skin and headaches.

Their behavior will also change. For example, they will have a hard time just going anywhere.

Causes of Anger in Children

A child’s anger is usually triggered by internal or external factors such as:

  • stress.
  • Physical or emotional problems that frighten them.
  • Frustration or  the  inability to do certain things.
  • Bipolar disorder.
  • Depression.
  • Attention seeking.
  • Difficulty communicating.
  • Hypersensitivity to stimuli.
  • Tiredness, insecurity or jealousy.

Anger is a way for little children to express themselves.

It may not be the best way, but it makes sense

Why it’s important for children to learn to deal with anger

Anger can cause unwanted behavior.

When a child always reacts aggressively to frustration, he can become a violent person as an adult.

This can have far-reaching consequences on a social, emotional and physical level.

12 Techniques To Control Anger In Children

To achieve this, you need to consider some strategies when it comes to raising your child.

  • Don’t lose your temper. You will only make the situation worse if you respond to anger by yelling. In addition, you will teach your child that yelling is acceptable behavior.
  • Teach your child to control himself. In this way the child learns to deal with difficult situations in a good way.
  • Give them a little time to cool down. Try to give them a little space instead of verbally scolding.
  • Be strict but loving and patient. This will make the child accept his or her role in the family.
  • Try not to reprimand the child when you are angry or frustrated yourself. This way you do not run the risk of unwanted abuse of your child.
  • Show the good example. The phrase ‘do what I say but not what I do’ just doesn’t work.
  • Teach the child that it’s okay to be angry. But show that exaggerated reactions are not possible.
  • Explain the reasons why you don’t want them to do something, such as eating sweets or watching TV any longer.
  • Learn how to recognize their emotions. Show them how to use language to express this.
  • Encourage certain activities that allow children to channel their emotions.
  • Praise and congratulate your child when they do well.
  • Teach your child to see their own mistakes, to admit mistakes and that you can ask for forgiveness.

The benefits of anger management in children

It is important that as a parent you teach your children how to best manage their emotions and how to express and channel them.

One of the benefits of this is that communication between parent and child will improve.

In this way they also learn that there are other ways to express themselves than by crying.

They will gain a greater understanding of empathy and how to manage their emotions and interact better with other people.

And in addition, they will learn that Mom and Dad are, in fact, teachers.

If you notice that your child is having a lot of trouble calming down or if the tantrums are frequent, don’t hesitate to consult a specialist.

Experts can offer more techniques to deal with this.

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