Back Pain In Children: Dos And Don’ts

Restrictions on physical activity or school activities can be the first warning sign of back pain in children. Discover more here.
Back pain in children: do's and don'ts

There are few things as annoying as back pain in children. It is a symptom that can range from sporadic and mild to severe in a small minority of cases. Either way, medical evaluation is always important. However, there are some factors that you can adjust at home to improve your children’s quality of life.

For example, there are certain behaviors that you should avoid so as not to aggravate the situation or cause other effects. For example, never self-medicate. In this article we will discuss the most common aspects, causes and behaviors to follow in case of back pain in children. Keep reading!

Why does back pain occur in children?

What to do if you have back pain in children

According to a publication in Comprehensive Pediatrics (Spanish link) in 2014, back pain in children can result from multiple pathological and non-pathological conditions. It is estimated that 95-99% of cases are unrelated to a particular disease or event, known as non-specific pain.

There may be factors that partially explain the pain. For example, excessive physical activity (or lack thereof), obesity and the misuse of backpacks in schools are some representative examples.

In some cases, there are diseases that can cause this problem. They are much less common than in adults, where certain pathologies, such as arthritis, are common in health centers. Some of these diseases include the following:

  • Hernia: When a structure of the spine called the intervertebral disc protrudes or goes beyond normal limits. As a result, it can compress or irritate a nerve, causing the symptoms. It is more common in adolescents than young children.
  • Spinal tumors: These can be divided into benign and malignant. In general, they are rare, although there are malignant bone tumors that are more common in children than adults.
  • Malformations: This is typically the case with scoliosis. This is a pathology in which the spine deviates to one side or the other.

What should you do if you have back pain in children?

As we have already mentioned, back pain in children can be common, but it is rarely caused by serious pathologies. Before going to the doctor, it is good to think about those situations or behaviors that could have influenced the onset of the pain. In that sense, you can take the following into account:

  • Does the pain start at a certain time of the day?
  • Is the weight of your child’s school bag too heavy? Is your child carrying the backpack correctly?
  • Does your child move a lot? Or, on the other hand, is it typically sedentary?
  • Do you notice problems with depression, persistent sadness or isolation at school?

In most cases, the answer to at least one of these questions is “yes”. That’s why there are ways you can intervene from home to improve some of these “risk factors” and reduce the frequency of pain.

What not to do?

In most cases, it is tempting to give the child a pain reliever that you normally use at home, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Many of these drugs are available without a prescription and are safe. However, it is important to keep the following things in mind for your child:

  • Their age.
  • The intensity of the pain.
  • Possible allergies to medicines.

Self-medication, or in this case the administration of drugs without a prescription or recommendation from a doctor, is not recommended. For this reason, it is more than advisable to have a short consultation with a pediatrician or general practitioner.

Today it is easier to go to a doctor’s office, including the option of teleconsultations.


Which medicines can children take for back pain

Is it always necessary to see a doctor?

If the pain is noticeable and attracts parental attention or poses a problem in the child’s life, it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible. This consultation can be scheduled with sufficient time in case it is a very sporadic sensation and of light intensity.

In principle, it is best to consult a pediatrician or general practitioner, depending on the age of the child or where you live. If necessary, one of them can refer you to another specialist, such as a neurosurgeon, traumatologist or orthopedist.

What Are the Warning Signs of Back Pain in Children?

In the case of increased volume in the spine, constant fever, generalized pain throughout the body and radiating to the legs, obesity or behavioral problems associated with depression, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. There is likely an underlying condition that needs to be diagnosed.

A Common Symptom You Shouldn’t Ignore

Back pain in children can be very annoying, even for parents who are naturally concerned about the health conditions of their children. As we mentioned, in most cases this is due to behavioral or emotional issues that could improve with some changes at home.

To be sure of what’s going on, going to a medical specialist is always the best option. Try writing down the answers to the questions we asked above, and include any recent lab tests or studies done for any reason.

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