Being A Mother Of A Baby Often Means Total Chaos

If you have just become a mother of a baby, you may experience everything in a kind of intoxication, everything feels like one big chaos. Do you recognize this? Then read on.
Being the mother of a baby often means total chaos

Being a mother of a baby means that you are going a little ‘crazy’. You leave the rational world and enter a kind of parallel world. A world away from logical decisions, schedules, obligations, etc.

As a mother of a baby, you therefore need support from those who care about you. They can keep you upright when your internal and external world has turned into total chaos.

For you as a woman, being the mother of a baby means that you are subject to an unbalanced daily routine of crying, dirty diapers and bottle feedings. These make you feel like you are living in another dimension. You no longer recognize yourself. As a result, you feel like you somehow missed the train of your own identity.

Baby is sleeping with mother

Your role as a mother of a baby

The chaos is most pronounced during the maternity period. Still, in the early stages of your child’s age, you will have to get used to looking at the world through the baby’s eyes. You will have to set your priorities based on his needs.

The baby’s needs become yours. At the same time you feel exhausted, with a fuzzy head, you have mixed feelings and everything seems like one big confusion.

The feeling of being a mother to a baby is probably best expressed by the expression “I feel like I’m in a cloud.

That means that you have the feeling that you are in a parallel world during that period. A world in which a different pace prevails, in which everything seems to be distorted. Everything seems to fade between the crying, the sleepless nights, intestinal cramps and diapers.

Being a mother of a baby is chaos but also happiness

Emotional support

Anyway, it is necessary that as a mother of a baby you allow yourself to be absorbed in this dream world. The world made up of breastfeeding, crying, advice and recommendations, timetables and other characteristic aspects of this stage.

You have to match these moments of disconnection from ‘the real world’. That’s why it’s good to look for references that are based on the here and now. For example, one of the things you can do is talk to other mothers who are also in the same phase.

In this way you will normalize situations, feelings, experiences and thoughts. You will find out that they have similar experiences and that will strengthen you. It means creating an environment for yourself where you don’t just share what’s happening to you. You will also reshape experiences and color them more positively.

Baby grabs mommy's finger

This means that although you may experience the chaos of this phase as negative, because we can share it with others and feel guided by it, we are encouraged to accept our identity as a mother of a baby. It helps you to start experiencing it all  in a more positive way with all the chaos that it brings.

It is quite normal to feel unsettled. You are submerged in the excessive amount of tips, advice and conflicting experiences. These will surely disorient you and lead you to despair in your quest for the right way to mother a baby.

To breastfeed

Functioning as a mother of a baby

To function as a mother to a baby means swinging back and forth between your adult aspect and your baby aspect. This is  a natural fact. This will lead you to the knowledge of ‘what is right’ and ‘what is wrong’.

It doesn’t matter what advice you get. Useful and fruitful are only those that are closely related to your emotional experience. That way you will realize that you are the only person who knows what is best for yourself. The point is that a mother of a baby doesn’t know that she actually already knows everything she needs to know.

Understanding that each day being a baby mother has a time and a rhythm is the best start. Once the time comes, you will simply regain that normality that you fear so much that you have lost it.

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