Can I Have A Root Canal During Pregnancy?

Is it safe to perform root canal treatments during pregnancy? We tell you everything you need to know about this treatment during pregnancy, which is safe for both mother and fetus despite common misconceptions.
Can I have a root canal during pregnancy?

When a woman is expecting a baby, many questions arise about the safety of using certain products or procedures. This also includes eating certain foods or undergoing medical and dental procedures at this stage. The question of whether it is possible to have a root canal during pregnancy is very common.

Namely, this particular procedure involves the use of anesthesia, X-rays, and medication. How these affect the developing fetus is one of the great fears of expectant mothers. And sometimes skipping the dentist seems like the best solution.

The truth is that it is not only annoying and painful to allow a condition in the mouth to progress and go untreated. It can also be dangerous. Below we tell you what root canals consist of and what their purpose is. We also discuss what you should pay attention to when you are pregnant.

When is a root canal treatment necessary?

Endodontics, also called root canal treatment, is a dental treatment in which the damaged pulp tissue in a tooth is cleaned and removed. The dentist fills the space with a biocompatible material and then seals it.

A dentist working on a woman's teeth.

When the pulp of a tooth is affected, this treatment makes it possible to keep the diseased or dead tooth in the mouth and prevent it from being removed. The most common cause of internal damage to a tooth is deep cavities. If the problem is not treated in time, it can go deeper. Therefore, it affects the pulp tissue, the soft part with nerve endings and blood vessels.

Another reason a tooth needs root canal treatment is if it has suffered a fracture, trauma, or major blow. Therefore, there are symptoms that indicate the need for this treatment. For example, think of:

  • Pain in the tooth. This can be constant, intermittent, pulsating and at different intensities depending on the case.
  • Sensitivity to cold and heat.
  • Change in the color of the tooth crown.
  • Discomfort when chewing.
  • The appearance of a dental phlegmon or fistula.
  • Swelling in the area.

As soon as any of these symptoms occur, it is best to consult a dentist to resolve the problem. Acting early prevents further discomfort, along with more serious complications.

How are root canals performed?

This dental treatment can take place in one or two sessions. However, this depends on the clinical case and the needs of the patient. In general, these are the steps:

  1. Anesthesia: So that the patient does not feel pain, a professional will apply a local anesthetic to the area.
  2. Access to the pulp chamber: The professional isolates the tooth with a special rubber band. Then a tool is used to remove the diseased tissue and make a deep hole to reach the pulp.
  3. Cleaning: The dentist removes the tooth nerve and cleans all the space it occupies. He uses manual and rotary instruments to scrape the inner walls of the tooth. In addition, he injects disinfectant liquids into the inside of the piece to drag and remove dirt from the organic tissue.
  4. Filling the canal: When the area is clean, the dentist fills the space with a biocompatible material. Usually they use hot gutta-percha. It is inserted until it reaches the end of the channels and is completed to occupy the entire area of ​​the pulp chamber.
  5. Check X-ray: At this point, a professional will take a dental X-ray to make sure the material reaches but does not cross the root tip.
  6. Reconstruction of the tooth: Finally , the dentist fills the tooth with provisional or definitive material. This restores the shape of the tooth so that it can again fulfill its function in the mouth.

Is it safe to have a root canal during pregnancy?

Not only is it possible and safe to perform a root canal during pregnancy, but it is also important to help prevent complications. Failure to treat a problem tooth can lead to infection. This poses a risk to the mother and the baby.

In addition, both inflammation and infection of a tooth cause pain. This can cause stress on the baby and contractions during pregnancy. This is another reason why treatment is necessary and helpful.

During periodic dental visits, the professional will evaluate the health condition of the woman’s mouth and the need for treatment. If root canal treatment is needed and not urgent, it will be scheduled at the most appropriate time.

If the woman shows symptoms such as pain, facial swelling or fistulas, she should go to the dentist immediately for a root canal treatment. As already mentioned, these symptoms lead to other, more serious complications.

It’s always a good idea to remind your dentist about your pregnancy status and how far along you are. While it is safe to perform these treatments, non-emergency treatments should be planned in advance. Preferably, they should be performed during the second trimester.

At this stage, the baby’s major organs have already developed. Also, the uncomfortable symptoms of the first trimester such as vomiting and nausea usually disappear. At the same time , it is also preferable to have a root canal treatment before the last trimester. This is because the size of the abdomen and sitting in the same position for a long time can be tiring and uncomfortable.

Some Common Doubts About Having a Root Canal During Pregnancy

When a dentist tells a mother-to-be that she should have a root canal during pregnancy, it is normal for fears and doubts to arise. If the professional knows about the pregnancy and suggests this alternative, it is because they recognize that it is a safe option.

Relying on the dentist is essential to keep the mouth healthy during this phase. However, here we will clarify some of the most common fears of pregnant women who need root canal treatment:

A pregnant woman at a dental appointment.
  • Local anesthesia: Dental anesthesia will most likely be needed for the procedure. The doses used are minimal and pose no risk to the mother or fetus. In addition, it is used to perform the procedure without discomfort. As we have already mentioned, pain can cause complications during pregnancy.
  • X-rays: Dental X-rays are needed for this therapy. They allow the dentist to make an accurate diagnosis, measure the length of the canals being worked on and verify the extent of the treatment. The radiation doses used are minimal and pose no risk to the fetus. In any case, the professional who performs a root canal during pregnancy protects the expectant mother with LED aprons that cover the abdomen and neck to minimize exposure.
  • Medication: In some cases, the prescription of antibiotics and painkillers is necessary to complete treatment. It is important to remind the dentist about pregnancy status, as well as taking other medications. The professionals will prescribe medications that you can safely take. Pregnant women should never self-medicate.

The importance of dental checkups during pregnancy

A root canal is a safe procedure that can be performed when the mother is expecting a baby. However, it is still an uncomfortable time that causes worry and even fear.

That is why it is so important to visit the dentist regularly. Root canal treatment can often be avoided if the condition is treated early.

A visit to the dentist when planning a pregnancy is ideal. All necessary procedures can be performed safely and the pregnancy can then begin with a healthy mouth.

Pregnant women should visit the dentist once per trimester. The professional will examine the mouth, help to care for it, recommend necessary treatments and determine when it is convenient to perform them.

Dentists are thus an ally that pregnant women should trust. Oral care is essential for peace of mind during pregnancy.

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