Cesarean Section Is Not The “easy Way”

We often hear that a cesarean section is the “easy way”, but nothing could be further from the truth. Read more about how this is experienced here.
Cesarean section is not the "easy way"

There is no easy birth. There is no single procedure that allows for an easy birth. There should be no doubt about this, although some people believe that a cesarean section is an easy way to give birth.

All the mothers come to the hospital on that special day and hope with all their hearts that everything will go well.

It’s true that moms also hide a certain mental preparation in case things don’t turn out the way they hoped. This subject is shrouded in myth, but there is also a lot of truth in it.

However, the kind of childbirth you will have doesn’t make you a good or bad mother.

After all, motherhood encompasses much more than just the biological event.  Motherhood is about love and protection. To be a mother means to cherish and be thankful for this precious gift.

What does a cesarean section involve?

How many times have you heard that you didn’t have a real birth because you had a cesarean section? And how many times have you been labeled a bad mother for following your doctor’s advice to take the so-called “easy path”?

There is nothing more painful than these kinds of offensive statements.

Sometimes a caesarean section is the only alternative to ensure a safe delivery. Many mothers are unable to undergo natural childbirth.

There are many instances where the mother is in labor as the hours and days go by. And the baby won’t come. With each passing hour, the risk and stress increase.  It becomes clear that there is no other option.

In cases such as those described above, specialists recognize the signs of suffering. But they also see the clinical symptoms that indicate that another route should be chosen. And no, that’s not a shortcut. Compare it to going from a dirt road to a paved road.

A dark cloud, a sudden change

These kinds of sudden changes that doctors suggest can come as a huge shock to a mother. A dark cloud through which you can no longer see the horizon.

It can seriously distort the picture of the big moment. The doctor’s decision changes everything she previously envisioned. How will it all go on now?

What does a caesarean section mean?

When such situations arise, there is usually no other safe alternative. This is where the proud and brave mother who wanted a natural birth has to give way.

At that precise moment, the intense desire to save your baby’s life will be all that matters.

This means that the decision to have a cesarean section is often not a choice made by the mother. The mother-to-be and doctors eventually lose control of the natural delivery. Of course, they refuse to risk the most precious thing: the life of the expecting baby.

A cesarean section is as complex as a natural birth

Don’t be fooled. A cesarean section is just as complex and painful as a natural birth. The only difference is that a natural birth can be more painful at the moment. Surgical intervention only begins to take its toll in the post-surgery period.

The cesarean section isn’t just a greater risk for mothers. Recovery is also slower and more complicated.

And that’s not all. The mother’s belly will always have a scar that reminds her of the most painful and stressful moment in her life. A change of plans that brought enormous tension with it.

A cesarean section is as complex as a natural birth

Many mothers have to go through this process along with the ignorant comments and comments of others about this event. Just the thought of going home after a cesarean delivery can be difficult.

The pain comes after childbirth, you have had surgery

The procedure separates the central muscles from the abdomen. These muscles are responsible for a significant number of things we need to do on a daily basis.

Muscles are pulled and torn and they need time to recover naturally. Coughing, sneezing, picking up and carrying the baby or breastfeeding can really be torture.  The feeling of inability and powerlessness can sometimes overwhelm these mothers, although only temporarily.

When the nurse tells you to get up, the pain in your body gets worse. That makes sense: you have had surgery, there has been cut and stitching.

It’s ironic to hear people talk condescendingly about cesarean section as “the easy way”. The procedure that cost you so much and made you suffer.

These mothers with their permanent scars deserve just as much respect as those who were able to experience the wonderful experience of birth through the vaginal canal.

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