“Four Little Corners” – 4 Valuable Lessons From The Book

The English book “Four Little Corners” is a book that every child should read and think about. If you are looking for a way to teach your child about values, this is a great option.
"Four Little Corners" - 4 Valuable Lessons From The Book

The bookFour Little Corners ”, which meansFour Little Corners ”, is a book by Jerome Luillier. It is a book that should be read and taught in schools and kindergartens around the world. It is a short, simple and very visual story that has a lot to offer in a very short time, including some mathematical concepts.

The characters in the story are actually geometric shapes. All but one of the shapes are circles known as the ‘Little Circles’, with the lone square called ‘Little Square’ taking the lead.

This story follows Little Square, who likes to play with his friends, the Little Circles. They always get along well and have a good time together. But one day a problem arises: they have to enter a large house.

Four Little Corners  teaches some very important lessons about values. Let’s take a look at these lessons to understand why this book is an absolute gem of children’s literature.

Don’t give up in the face of adversity

When Little Square and his friends the Little Circles want to enter the big house, they encounter a problem that is at the center of the story. Little Square discovers that he cannot enter the house because the door is round.

In other words, his angles prevent him from going through the door. This is what makes him different from the others.

The Importance of Friendship in Four Little Corners

Inside the house, the Little Circles continue to encourage the Little Square. They also give him ideas that they think are the best way to help their friend.

They ask him to be around. Little Square tries with all his might, but it doesn’t work. In fact, it hurts him. His friends keep trying to help him. They all give advice that they think will solve the problem.

Because they stay with him all the time, Little Square feels protected. The friends keep trying to find the solution together.

Teamwork is essential

Finally, after much discussion, the friends realize that the problem is not with their friend, but with the door of the house. They keep talking all the time about what they can do to help Little Square. It’s a great demonstration of teamwork.

After much talking they come to the solution. They decide to cut out the round door , turning the circular passage into a square. Now Little Square can finally be together with his friends in the big house.

Accepting Others: Another Lesson in Four Little Corners

The book Four Little Corners is a lovely little story that teaches the value of acceptance, making us think about its importance from the start. Ruillier subtly tells the story and weaves in a thoughtful metaphor about inclusivity.

The story makes us think about how society should make the necessary changes to include those who are different.

The book teaches us about the types of social conflicts that can accompany diversity. We can clearly see the effects of discrimination, which often leaves those who try to integrate into desperate situations.

The book Four Little Corners with Circles and Square

Ruillier also provides the book’s illustrations, drawings of geometric shapes. Circles in different colors (the Small Circles) and a purple square (Small Square). Eventually these simple shapes become real characters. Readers can empathize with what they are feeling and even imagine them with facial expressions.

With such simple illustrations, the author knows how to tell a story about a serious social problem. It’s a great way to teach this topic to kids. The symbolic base language allows the story to be applied to a number of real-world contexts. 

The Four Little Corners book is recommended for children over the age of one and should be an essential part of any children’s library.

Even though your children read at school, you can still use books to develop certain ideas and concepts at home. Plus, kids love to read their favorite books over and over again.

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