Going Back To Work After Maternity Leave

Going back to work after maternity leave is undoubtedly a huge challenge. Many women don’t want that day to ever come, while others look forward to it. Dealing with this phase requires preparation, organization and optimism.
Going back to work after maternity leave

Going back to work after maternity leave can be one of the hardest things for some moms. They don’t want the moment to come and when it does, they suffer greatly.

In the following article, we will make recommendations to get through this situation in the best possible way.

To go back to work or not?

For some women, returning to work after childbirth is synonymous with regaining some freedom and independence. For others, it is a terrifying, stressful, and even scary situation.

The arrival of a child affects all new mothers, but in very different ways. It is true that we love what we do and the work we have. However, the truth is that by becoming a mother, your mind and heart will change.

That is why many mothers consider whether or not they should go back to work. Plus, they wonder when is the best time to go back.

At some companies, when your maternity leave is over, you can request extension without pay. That is, you don’t work and you don’t get paid. In addition, you can work fewer hours, such as half days.

During the first year of the baby’s life, mothers have the right to breastfeed during the working day or to leave earlier. With all this, some moms don’t know if they want to go back or not.

Money is an important factor

Mother with baby at work

Of course , everyone has different economic situations. Some can stay at home and look after the children while their husbands work. However, others have to earn money to support their families.

Whatever the decision, it’s important to think about the future, not just the present. Giving up work may not be an economic problem, but rather an emotional one.

A woman who stays at home can feel depressed, irritable and even bored. Children can also be affected by these emotions.

You may also feel guilty leaving the baby in another person’s care. Many women feel that they are bad mothers when they do this.

However, if you have to work, remember that work is the way to show your unconditional love for your children. After all, it’s how you provide them with food, shelter, and everything they need.

Tips for working after maternity leave

If you have to work after maternity leave, even if it’s what you want, keep in mind that it won’t be easy. So here are some tips.

1. Prepare yourself mentally

A few days before the date marked in red on the calendar, you need to prepare – not only for who will be staying with the baby, but also for the emotional problems you may experience. You must be willing to leave your child with someone else you trust.

2. Change Your Sleep Routine

Since your child was born, you may not remember what it feels like to sleep for 8 hours straight. Now that you have to go back to work after maternity leave, it is important that you get enough rest.

Going to bed early, making a schedule, and napping when the baby takes a nap is becoming normal. You will also have to get up earlier.

3. Make going back to work a party!

Wife is back at work

If you’re feeling depressed or sad about going back to work after maternity leave, it’s best to turn that event into something worth celebrating. What if you buy a dress, shoes or a new bag for the first day back at work?

You can also reward yourself with something you really enjoy. For example, ice cream, a piece of chocolate cake or a pair of earrings. The idea is that going back to work isn’t a bad thing, just a chance to give yourself a treat.

If you feel the need to check on your baby mid-work day, we recommend doing something to distract yourself. For example, watch a video on the internet, listen to cheerful music or talk to a colleague. When you get home, of course, enjoy every moment with your child!

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