Grandparents Never Die – They Become Invisible

Even when grandparents are gone, they live on forever in the minds of the grandchildren.
Grandparents never die - they become invisible

Grandparents never die – they become invisible. They have the gift of eternal life, they anchor themselves in the heart of a child. The happy and everlasting memories remain more vivid than ever.

We feel the caresses of their soft hands. Once again we experience the anecdotes they told with their sweet voices and their firm embrace. Or we just remember their gaze full of infinite tenderness and admiration that lives on in their playful souls.

It is the law of life.  These childhood heroes have the privilege of seeing their grandchildren come to life. However, the smallest one awaits a cruel farewell. The passing of the one whose hair becomes as white as snow and whose skin begins to wrinkle.

Grandparents never die

It is often painful and anxious for children that the best stories and moments with their grandparents threaten to slip through their fingers like sand. It’s time to say goodbye… the first loss in childhood. 

But, grandparents never really die. They have become immortal in the soul of every child and leave indelible traces of love and affection. They may no longer have a body, but the memory remains. They anchor themselves in the being of each little one.

Grandparents never die – they live on forever in their grandchildren

The bond between grandparents and their grandchildren comes from an intimate and deep relationship.  With complete dedication, grandparents offer them security, friendship and approval. This in addition to everything they do to take care of the child.

Without a doubt, grandparents never die. But even when they are no longer physically present, they are still present in the lives of others because of their eternal loyalty. This materializes in a great oral legacy that transcends every generation.

These endearing and memorable characters proudly and confidently take their grandchildren by the hand as they teach them to walk.

In time they let go of these little hands, but they remain anchored in their hearts, where they will remain forever.

Grandparents never die but they live on forever in their grandchildren

Grandparents don’t die, they become invisible.  We see these fleeting stars in yellowed photos, among their hand-sown fruits. They wear beautiful self-sewn aprons that have been preserved for their great emotional value.

Thanks to their advice and encouragement, grandparents always live on in our attitude to life. We store them in our emotional memory and they even appear in the way we tie our shoes.

They are forever present

Their eyes water when they think back to the past. They teach children that a hug makes everything better and teach them things that cannot be found in a library. 

Grandparents are forever present

They are the building blocks of our youth, the keepers of secrets and experts at making fear disappear.  They are the defenders of happiness and pleasure. The architects who rebuild a child’s world when it falls to pieces. Their presence is anchored in our senses.

Grandparents never die, not for their grandchildren, never. Until the end of their lives they carry them like tattoos on their souls.

Grandparents are there when we slow down, live more attentively and enjoy the moment. They become our compass.

Grandparents are becoming invisible, but every grandchild knows they are hiding behind every smile or behind every afternoon walk. They leave behind a loving heritage of unique and inexplicable love.

Grandparents never die – they live on in every little one who bestows upon them the gift of immortality.

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